Simple Healing Meditation to Help those in Need

healing hands

In 2001, after the September 11th attacks on New York City, the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, taught a very simple, but powerful meditation to send healing to those in need. With the incredible and sometimes devastating events occurring around the world, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. Somtimes, we wonder, “What can I do?”

This simple healing meditation is something you can do in your own home to support the healing of those who are in pain. It is very effective. You can do this meditation anywhere from 3 minutes to 11 minutes a day. Even if you spend just five minutes doing this meditation, you will feel the changes in yourself. You will also tap your power to positively influence events through your prayers and intentions.

Simple Healing Meditation to Help those in Need

Taught on September 18, 2001 by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan


Sit with a straight spine, and have your neck aligned with the spine. If you like doing yoga, you can sit on the floor, in a relaxed, cross-legged posture. If you are not used to doing yoga, you can sit in a chair, with both feet firmly flat on the ground and sitting very straight.

The hand posture (called a mudra) is to interlace your fingers in front of the heart center with the thumbs crossed. The fingers are interlaced, but the palms don’t connect. The elbows are relaxed alongside the rib cage.

Close the eyes and do the following chant:

Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung.

the “aa” is pronounced like “ahhh.”

Here are versions of Ra Ma Da Sa if you wish to chant along with one of them:

Continue holding this posture and chant for 3-11 minutes. Reach out sincerely from your heart to those who are in pain and in need.

When you are done chanting, maintain the posture. Inhale deeply, suspend the breath and meditate on the power of the Universe to bring healing and balance to those you are praying for. Project the healing energy from your heart, and know that this breath is a healing breath. Then exhale. Repeat this breath two more times (for a total of 3 times). Relax.

“You must not misunderstand your powers. A saint is a human also. Try to act as a saint and a sage. It is a very little price you have to pay to let your ego go and let your sainthood prevail. Calamities are nothing but challenges. Challenges are nothing but awakening calls to improve our being, and an improved being is nothing but God’s Self within us.” -Siri Singh Sahib ji

This meditation was originally published in Meditations for the New Millennium.

This meditation and comments are Copyrighted to The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

Listen to and watch this lecture here.

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