About: Simran


When the state of consciousness reaches simran then you do not need to do anything; God follows you. At that stage the Almighty, the Infinite, the Omniscient, the Omnipotent God, the Something which you are so proud of, and which you talk about and you perceive about and scriptures talk about and saints and sages
Simran by RinRio from artsikh.com website

The Power and Blessings of Siri Guru Granth Sahib – Part 2

The Guru's word (Gurbani) is what the Guru spoke. It is the imprint of the essence of God. It is the pathway to God. If the ordin­ary human being speaks it, it will always elevate him to that state of consciousness of the Guru.
Portrait of Yogi Bhajan, 1973

Never Far from Simran

by SS Satya Kaur Corfield, Espanola NM  Fall 2017 SDI Ministry Newsletter Simran—the constant remembrance of God—is the one aspect of Sikh Dharma that resonates above almost all else for me. Having two “10”s in my numerology has always given me a connection to Guru Gobind Singh. With two children who have Simran as

The Practice of Naam Simran

by SS Guru Prem Singh Khalsa, Los Angeles, CA Fall 2017 SDI Ministry Newsletter I experienced a unique relationship in my practice of Naam Simran under the guidance of the Siri Singh Sahib. It began in 1981, when he asked a favor of me that would take the next seven years to accomplish. I

Simran is Everything

by SS Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa, San Francisco CA Fall 2017 SDI Ministry Newsletter Simran is often translated as “remembrance,” which, to me, doesn’t explain the word. Other people say simran is repeating a mantra. I understand repeating a mantra as japa, which means “to repeat a mantra.” Does repeating a mantra lead

Honoring the Legacy

by SS Jot Singh Khalsa, Millis MA Fall 2017 SDI Ministry Newsletter It has been 45 years since I embarked on this sacred path of Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma. Along the way there have been many blessings that have helped me understand the concept of sacredness, and to begin to integrate it within

Holding the Remembrance

by SS Prabhu Nam Kaur Khalsa, San Leandro CA Fall 2017 SDI Ministry Newsletter Simran is remembering of, or meditation on God’s Name. It is also prayer. “Simran” is the noun form of “simar,” which means to remember, to hold in remembrance, to meditate on. The Gurmukhi word sounds the same as the

The Soul is Always Noble

We have the four perfect gifts from our Guru: Bani, Bana, Simran, and Seva, that provide four indomitable pillars, by which we align ourselves with the pure noble spirit of our own soul, ever victorious over the ultimate bully—our own mind.

A Truthful Path of Living

Truth is a hallmark virtue for anyone walking the path of Dharma because it keeps us real and dispels the veils of illusion that would otherwise bind us in life. That is why Guru Nanak starts Japji with the Mul Mantra by acknowledging there is only one Creator, then saying His name is Truth,
Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur