Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan was born on August 26, 1929 and left the planet on October 6, 2004

For over 35 years Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, our beloved spiritual teacher, dedicated his life to build a legacy of sharing the blessing of Shabad Guru. He inspired those he touched to be graceful, grateful human beings committed to serving and spreading light and love to all.
Every year, communities around the world participate in a 12-day commemoration leading up to and including his birthday, where we meditate, chant and do sadhana together.  It is a time for us to remember and express the gratitude and reverence we feel for the blessing of his teachings and the impact they have made on our lives.
We invite you to join us and our global family to celebrate this occasion.  Read on for ways you can participate in this celebration.
If you wish to attend the birthday party at the beloved ranch of Yogi Bhajan on Saturday, August 24, 2024, here are more details.