Posts by: Sikh Dharma International

What People are Saying about the “Deepening Your Personal Relationship with the Guru” Course

  Constance Mayer This course is delivering exactly what I feel my soul desires. A group of teachers and community committed to giving & receiving the teachings of the Guru. Åse Evebø Thank you so much for all this information! I`ve been reading for hours! And I will for

How to Prepare GurPrasad

  Step 1 Wash your hands and do a short Ardas to bless the preparation. Step 2 Assemble the utensils needed for cooking Measuring cups Cooking spoons (preferably stainless steel) 2 pans (a wok is often used as well) one pan should be large enough for combining your ingredients
prashad in wok

The Invention of the Gurmukhi Script

Many people who practice Kundalini Yoga as taught by the Siri Singh Sahib - Yogi Bhajan love the mantras and chants. But where did these chants come from? What language are they written in? Kundalini Yoga often uses chants taken from the language of Gurmukhi.  As far as languages go, Gurmukhi is relatively new. It’s
Photo by Bhai Pratap Singh, Courtesy of Wikipedia.

The Shabad is my Guru

Shabad – the sound that cuts the ego. Guru – the wisdom that takes us from darkness to light. In his teachings, Yogi Bhajan, also known as the Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma, taught that the Shabad Guru would become the guiding wisdom for people in the Aquarian Age. But what, exactly, is the
guru nanak

Turban Tying Demo Page

Below are two examples of how to tie a turban (using the "Starter Turbans" from our Marketplace) The male model is using “rubia” fabric and the female model is using “American Cotton” fabric. Our American Cotton Turban = 3.5 Yards in Length and approximately 19″ in width. (medium fine weave) Our Rubia (Indian Cotton Turban) = 3.5 Yards in
Bradley 5

Help Us Save Children in Venezuela

This Humanitarian Crisis is Worse than You Think!   What is Happening The Venezuelan economic crisis has turned into a full-blown humanitarian disaster. The country’s currency, the bolivar, has devalued to point of being worthless and inflation has now pushed food prices to the point where two-thirds of all Venezuelans cannot afford to
starvation in Venezuela

Guru Hargobind, the Emperor and the Tiger

Chandu and other enemies of Guru Hargobind learned of the Guru’s military preparations, and claimed that Guru Hargobind was not only converting Muslims to his faith, he was raising an army to avenge his father’s death. With this false rumor, they tried to convince Emperor Jahangir that Hargobind posed a major threat to his kingdom.
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.