Profit Has Support ~ Goodwill

Siri Singh Sahib ~ Yogi Bhajan Lecture Excerpts from Success and the Spirit Chapter 13 Success in Business “The basic subject today is “Interlog of the interest—human, monetary, and personal.” The subject is extremely boring and everybody hates to deal with it. It’s so hate-worthy that we put many names on it and size

Serving God in Each Other

Loss and Hope in Japan Reported by Harinderpal Kaur KRI Certified Yoga Teacher March 11, 2011 changed many of our lives in Japan. When northern Japan was struck with the mega earthquake, the tsunami, and the explosion of the nuclear plant in Fukushima, many families lost literally EVERYTHING: including— and of foremost importance—their loved

Meditation for Prosperity and Interdependance

Posture: Sitting in Easy Pose, hands in any relaxed position, make a strong clucking sound with your tongue striking and releasing against the upper palate. The tongue presses the upper palate and breaks from it with a force. It pulls forcefully on the upper palate at the rate of approximately 2 clucks per second.

Siri Singh Sahib Birthday

SSS 64th Birthday Party August 28, 1993 Espanola, NM We are Americans and we are here from last twenty-five years. Our proportion of losing children to drugs and to other activities has increased by thirty-seven percent. Our tragedies with our ladies excuse me, we feel the, it is a year of the woman and everything is