Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Meditation, Sadhana, Sikh Dharma Technology
Sikh Dharma teaches that everything a person needs exists within himself or herself. We don't need anything outside. We only need to touch the Divinity that lives within us. And by experiencing that, life comes into a perfect balance.
The very best time of day to experience your Higher Self is during the hours…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 08-Guru Harkrishan, Gurpurbs, Sikh History
There is simple example of the pure compassion that is born out of the innocence that comes naturally to a child. Guru Harikrishan was just such a child when he heard the news of a plague that was taking many lives in Delhi. He immediately requested to go there and upon his arrival insisted that…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 10-Guru Gobind Singh, Sikh Dharma Technology
October - Saibhang - The Self-Existing One - Guru Gobind Singh The 10th phase of the Mul Mantra is Saibhang. Sai : Self, One's own self. Self as Cause. By One's own will. Bhang : to be, exist. Therefore Saibhang means to exist by One's own volition; ''Self-Existing''. After the 8th and 9th stages, or…
Posted by SS Gurujodha Singh Khalsa& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
Sacrifice: Unto Infinity SS Gurujodha Singh Khalsa (Mexico) It is interesting that the numerology of this year brings together the number 8 and the number 5. Beyond the fact that Guru Harkrishan, for being the 8th Guru, embodies the virtues of the Pranic Body, he became Guru at the…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Business Teachings, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity, Prosperity Lectures, Publications
Siri Singh Sahib ~ Yogi Bhajan Lecture Excerpts from Success and the Spirit Chapter 13
Success in Business
“The basic subject today is “Interlog of the interest—human, monetary, and personal.” The subject is extremely boring and everybody hates to deal with it. It’s so hate-worthy that we put many names on it and size…
Posted by SS Dr. Guru Sangat Kaur Khalsa& filed under Around the World, Community, Dharmic Education, Your Stories
Education in Action
The sangat in Belo Horizonte put together a donation plan, which during five years raised 1.3 million US dollars. With the funds, we tested for four years the curriculum and an educational program according to Sikh Dharma and Siri Singh Sahib’s teachings. We also trained teachers and…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations
This meditation will elevate your energy so strongly that you can easily experience your own soul blessing you with prosperity.
POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose (or on a chair) with a straight spine.
MUDRA: Hands rest on the knees in Gyan Mudra (index finger and thumb tip touching).
EYE FOCUS: The eyes…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Dasvandh, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity, Prosperity Lectures
Excerpt from a lecture by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan October 3, 1996
“In the Age of Aquarius, the Dharma of a person shall be to reach out. Reach out to help. Reach out to share smiles. Reach out to hear each other. Reach out to every person without judgment. It should be a…
Posted by Guru Simran Kaur Khalsa& filed under 04-Guru Ram Das, Gurpurbs, Your Stories
One year, around the time of Guru Ram Das’ birthday, sangat from the Espanola Ashram came to visit the Siri Singh Sahib at the ranch. They asked, “Sir, to honor Guru Ram Das on his birthday, we always do langar, a meditation for 11 days, and host a special Gurdwara; but how can we actually…
Posted by Harpinder Kaur& filed under Around the World, Your Stories
Loss and Hope in Japan Reported by Harinderpal Kaur KRI Certified Yoga Teacher
March 11, 2011 changed many of our lives in Japan. When northern Japan was struck with the mega earthquake, the tsunami, and the explosion of the nuclear plant in Fukushima, many families lost literally EVERYTHING: including— and of foremost importance—their loved…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity
Lecture excerpts from the Siri Singh Sahib November 10, 2001
“Recently there was a problem. There was a girl who was in love and things were not happening right.
One day she called and she said, “I am in too much pain. Things are not happening right.”
I said, “Count your breaths…
Posted by Pritpal Singh Khalsa& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Our Authors, Sikh History
Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru, had an experience of divine enlightenment. He was immersed under the waters of the Kali Bien River for three days. When he was found his first utterance was, “there is no Hindu, there is no Muslim”. At first this statement may seem confusing, but it…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Meditation, Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations
Posture: Sitting in Easy Pose, hands in any relaxed position, make a strong clucking sound with your tongue striking and releasing against the upper palate. The tongue presses the upper palate and breaks from it with a force. It pulls forcefully on the upper palate at the rate of approximately 2 clucks per second.
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Around the World, Ministry, Your Stories
How do we reach those most in need to support and serve by the grace of Guru Ram Das and Yogi Bhajan? A few stories from “down under” are shared here. The devotion is stretched across this vast land to all walks of life and we will continue to serve and spread the teachings.…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 09-Guru Teg Bahadur, Sikh Dharma Technology
September - Ajooni - Guru Teg Bahadur
Lets get to know the 9th Guru through his words as much as by his deeds.
Guru Teg Bahadur was the embodiment of Ajooni. Meaning beyond the womb, not born of, or through, the womb (unborn). The yogis will refer to this as the Subtle Body from…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Siri Singh Sahib Ji
SSS 64th Birthday Party August 28, 1993 Espanola, NM We are Americans and we are here from last twenty-five years. Our proportion of losing children to drugs and to other activities has increased by thirty-seven percent. Our tragedies with our ladies excuse me, we feel the, it is a year of the woman and everything is…
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