A Glimpse of Time

A GLIMPSE OF A TIME He said he didn’t read books, and yet the Siri Singh Sahib’s lectures are full of quotes from the classics. One that he was especially fond of and often quoted, "Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do and die.”* Interpreting what a spiritual teacher quotes,

Gurmukhi Script

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurmukh%C4%AB_alphabet The Gurmukhi alphabet contains thirty-five letters. The first three are distinct because they form the basis for vowels and are not consonants, and except for æṛa are never used on their own. See the section on vowels for further details. The pronunciation of ਵ will vary between v and w depending

Business Prosperity and Keys to Success

Siri Singh Sahib Lecture January 26, 1985 From "Beads of Truth" The biggest business man on this planet and for this planet is God Himself. He managed to have spring, summer, winter, fall: to create and re-create. The three faculties of God "Ik sansaaree, ik bhandhaaree, ik laa-e deebaan," to grow, to give


This explanation of the Sikh Ardas was taken from Sikhnet at: Read More Here Ardas means a formal prayer, supplication or humble request. It is derived from the Persian word 'Arzdaasht' meaning a petition. It is human nature to pray when one needs help say for wealth, children, personal affairs, health for peace and so

Potent Pakoras

Submitted by Siri Ved Kaur in Beads of Truth Winter, 1978 Receipe created by Siri Singh Sahib Ji Potent Pakoras Batter  3 cups besan (garbanzo flour), 2 1/2 cups water, 4T onion powder, 3T garlic powder, 2 1/2 T ginger powder, 2 T ajwan (oregano seeds), 1 1/2 T ground black

Women in Khalsa Army

The Khalsa Woman in Guru Gobind Singh’s Army Khalsa women have played an important role in Guru Gobind Singh’s army and have faced death many times for the Khalsa. Many of the old stories have been lost, and those that remain are scant in detail and description. But the fact is that the Tenth
Mai Bhago