Posted by Satsimran Kaur& filed under Your Stories
A GLIMPSE OF A TIME He said he didn’t read books, and yet the Siri Singh Sahib’s lectures are full of quotes from the classics. One that he was especially fond of and often quoted, "Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do and die.”* Interpreting what a spiritual teacher quotes,…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Around the World, Community, Ministry, Service/Seva, Your Stories
This article is courtesy of the Sikh Dharma Ministry
It is interesting that the numerology of this year (2015) brings together the number 8 and the number 5. Beyond the fact that Guru Harkrishan as the Eight Sikh Guru embodies the virtues of the Pranic Body, he became Guru at the age of 5 and…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 03-Guru Amar Das, Sikh Dharma Technology
Karam Kriya Numerology
March: Kar – The Active Creation
We have been created and caused to act. Kar is the action or task. Ek OngKar tells us that in one act, through 1 vibration, the whole creation was established. Of course not as it is now, but in its latent nature which has then…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Sikh Dharma Technology, The Guru
From Wikipedia: The Gurmukhi alphabet contains thirty-five letters. The first three are distinct because they form the basis for vowels and are not consonants, and except for æṛa are never used on their own. See the section on vowels for further details. The pronunciation of ਵ will vary between v and w depending…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Business Teachings, Prosperity, Publications, Sikh Dharma Technology
Siri Singh Sahib Lecture January 26, 1985
From "Beads of Truth"
The biggest business man on this planet and for this planet is God Himself. He managed to have spring, summer, winter, fall: to create and re-create. The three faculties of God "Ik sansaaree, ik bhandhaaree, ik laa-e deebaan," to grow, to give…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under Sikh Dharma Technology, Sikh History
This explanation of the Sikh Ardas was taken from Sikhnet at: Read More Here
Ardas means a formal prayer, supplication or humble request. It is derived from the Persian word 'Arzdaasht' meaning a petition. It is human nature to pray when one needs help say for wealth, children, personal affairs, health for peace and so…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Siri Singh Sahib Ji
Submitted by Siri Ved Kaur in Beads of Truth Winter, 1978 Receipe created by Siri Singh Sahib Ji Potent Pakoras Batter 3 cups besan (garbanzo flour), 2 1/2 cups water, 4T onion powder, 3T garlic powder, 2 1/2 T ginger powder, 2 T ajwan (oregano seeds), 1 1/2 T ground black…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Woman
SSS Lecture on Love. July 15, 1988 Espanola, New Mexico
Niranjan is going to read you what we collected in almost year and half or something like that, yeah.
Niranjan: For instance, love is someone you can't wait to see, love is waiting for her to come by, love is watching…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Service/Seva
As Sikhs we believe that women should have the same rights as men; that a woman has God-given strength, intuition and power since her role is to bear and raise children to be our future. The Siri Singh Sahib once said: "If a woman is wise, the whole surrounding becomes wise. Because the base of society is not based on…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 02-Guru Angad, Sikh Dharma Technology
Karam Kriya by Shiv Charan S Khalsa
Ong! The Vibratory Extension
When the roots have begun their search for water there is no returning the way they came. As a spring begins to flow from the mountain side it can only keep going till it reaches the ocean. The journey in under way…
Posted by Guru Prakash Kaur Khalsa& filed under Dasvandh, Our Authors, Prosperity, Prosperity Articles
Growing up as a second generation 3HO Sikh, I was always attracted to our large family of services, ashrams and organizations. Going to school in India was paramount to my foundation and the time of my life, so it just seemed natural to work for Miri Piri Academy after graduating.
From there I was…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Community, Events, KirtanXchange, Service/Seva
A letter from Hari Singh from Guru Ram Das (GRD) Nivas in Costa Rica:
Sat Nam and greetings from GRD Nivas, Costa Rica,
By the grace of Guru Ram Das, GRD Nivas, with Yogi Edgar Ortiz of Yoga Mandir in San Jose, Costa Rica, hosted a special full moon event of Kirtan and Kundalini…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
Siri Singh Sahib Ji
First Lecture January, 1969
What is a liberated being? And what is the reason we suffer in the hands of time? Every person has two sides. One is a carefree side. The other is a careless side. When one lives inhis carefree side, he is guided by his Divine…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Sikh Dharma Technology
January - Number 1 - Guru Naanak - the Soul
The dharma of 1 is humility, self-initiation, focus.
The karma of 1 is humiliation, isolation, loneliness, lack of will.
Nobody humiliates us. It is our refusal to be small, to acknowledge our minuteness in the midst of the vastness, which leaves us…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
Nanak, if the name of God, the praise of God, dwells in me, if I get that, my mind and my body becomes everlasting green and that is the message of the Christmas tree. In the wilderness of the snow, miles and miles and miles, you don't see a green thing, except this tree. In…
Posted by Shanti Kaur Khalsa& filed under Sikh History, The Guru, Woman
The Khalsa Woman in Guru Gobind Singh’s Army
Khalsa women have played an important role in Guru Gobind Singh’s army and have faced death many times for the Khalsa. Many of the old stories have been lost, and those that remain are scant in detail and description. But the fact is that the Tenth…
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