Posted by Jot Singh Khalsa& filed under Community, Sikh Art Corner, Your Stories
Jot Singh Khalsa
Designer, Artisan, Businessman, Minister, Yoga Teacher, Author
I’ve been designing and making knives, swords, Kirpans and fine jewelry full-time since 1978. Through good fortune, my work has been featured on book covers, magazine covers, in museum exhibitions and in print media published in 9 languages. My edged work has also won top…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under Sikh Dharma Technology
2015: Be Ready for Surprises:
Movements, Change and Exchange through Feminine Forces of Justice and Compassion. From the very Earth itself and from the communal consciousness of women.
Note: The following text is not intended to be predictive in any way. It merely takes advantage of the presence of numbers in our shared lives…
Posted by Siri Pritam Kaur Khalsa& filed under Business Teachings, Sikh Dharma Technology, Your Stories
For over 40 years, I have been a Sikh, and like many of my age, I had many opportunities to be with Siri Singh Sahib. I found that he delighted in business and loved giving advice on how to do better. Sometimes it was just with a subtle hint, at other times quite the opposite…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under Sikh Dharma Technology
December: Number 12 – Waves of longing joyfully returning to the Great 1.
The Dharma of 12 is to remember and practice all that you know. The courage of non-existence that makes all existence possible. In non-existence you are a mirror to all. There is never a reason not to be happy.
The Karma of…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under 05-Guru Arjan, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
Siri Singh Sahib Ji Lecture from November 10, 1971
According to this western land today is a thanksgiving day which is almost a ritual now, it's a ritual in the sense that we cut down turkey sit together in the family eat and enjoy and feel happy that we are…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Dharmic Education, Service/Seva
Sikh Dharma International’s Fateh for Life (Victory for Life) mentorship program is launching its first component this coming spring of 2015. We are partnering with Miri Piri Academy to send 4 students and 1 chaperone to participate in The 3rd Great Asian Tour on Kundalini Yoga for Health, Happiness and Harmony which will travel to China, Mongolia and Japan.
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Dasvandh, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity
Siri Singh Sahib Jii 12/31/1987
“There’s a word in Sikh Dharma and it’s a very beautiful word, It’s called Bheta. Bheta means offering. Charity or Dhan means what you give. Dhan means charity. Dhan, you give to the lower than you. Dhan you give to the needy. Charity you do with the needy or you share with others. Bheta is, you…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 11-Siri Guru Granth Sahib, Sikh Dharma Technology
November: Number 11 – Sri Guru Granth Sahib – I am the Light of the Soul
The Karma of number 11 is 1 + 1 = 2. It is to be the duality. To be ever critical. To exist through denial of existence. It is the extreme expression of spiritual naivety.
The Dharma of number…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
Thanksgiving Prayer
An excerpt from a lecture given by SSSJi on November 10, 1971
Our thanks to every such environment where man is supposed to grow in peace and harmony, in love and in tranquility.
Our thanks to all that is graceful around us and also our thanks to all that forces us to become…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
The Siri Singh Sahib gave this lecture in Los Angeles on November 16, 1986.
"Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa."
Students: "Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh."
YB: It's a great pleasure to hear your own poem sometime translated but I wish you should hear them in the original Gurmukhi, they are not in…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Shabad Guru, The Guru
Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji. November 1, 1992
"Today, we are celebrating the Shabad Guru. But what does it actually mean? It means Naam. It means perpetual experience of happiness. It means ecstasy. It means Anand. It means a lot of things. But it is not practiced. It is not…
Posted by Sada Bahar Kaur Khalsa& filed under Khalsa Council
Dear Members of the Khalsa Council and the Sikh Dharma/3HO Community,
Sat Nam and blessings to all. Through the grace of Guru Ram Das, the Fall 2014 Khalsa Council Meetings were held on October 1st - 4th in Espanola, New Mexico. These meetings were unique in that we had a convergence of very significant events bringing…
Posted by Pritpal Singh Khalsa& filed under 04-Guru Ram Das, Our Authors, Sikh History, The Guru
The Story of the Origin of the Shabad, Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur
The first Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Nanak, was served by a wonderful musician, Mardana, who accompanied the singing of the Guru’s sacred compositions for many years. After Mardana passed away, two young and talented musicians, Balwand and Satta,…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Sikh Art Corner, Your Stories
In 1980, before I became a Sikh, I did a painting I called “Happy Hour”. In the painting my Kundalini yoga teacher, Sat Nam Singh, was sitting, clothed, on a bench at a bus stop surrounded by several figures wearing only clown make-up and accessories. Though the figures were obviously nude, all significant anatomical parts…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Siri Singh Sahib Ji, Your Stories
Honoring the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan Ji
by Harbhajan Kaur Khalsa
The Siri Singh Sahib was a living example of his own formula: Obey, Serve, Love, Excel. As a world-renowned teacher, business leader, advisor to world leaders, and family man, he remained faithful to his own commitments and faithful to his word.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Siri Singh Sahib Ji
Once someone asked the Siri Singh Sahib: “Sir, we know who you are as a person, but what about the people who never got to or will get to meet you? The ones who are born after you leave your body, all of the yoga students? How can or will they be able understand who you are as a person?
The Siri Singh Sahib said: OK, take a…
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