Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Bani, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Sikh Dharma Technology
by Siri Singh Sahib Ji
So within lifetime the Guru says: "Read Five Banis." Those five banis are the most divine combination, or permutation and combination, to stimulate your higher consciousness. Those five banis correct a sadhana in you. Those five banis clean your mind and reset it for every moment of the day.…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 09-Guru Teg Bahadur, Sikh Dharma Technology
Walk in the Realm of the Subtle
It has Gifts for you.
September: Number 9 – Guru Teg Bahadur – Subtle Body
The Dharma of number 9: Calm, Persistent, Patient, Tolerance, Enduring, Peaceful, Subtle and refined.
The Karma of number 9: Impatience, Perfectionism, Tyranny, Disgust, Pressure, bluntness.
9 is beyond the infinity…
Posted by Kulwant Kaur Khalsa& filed under Community, Service/Seva, Sikhs Feed People, Your Stories
When I think about the Siri Singh Sahib and all that he was, all that he gave us, and the vast legacy he created, I go numb in the process of trying to comprehend it. But I take reassurance in those gemlike nuggets of wisdom that give simple and direct guidelines on how to live.
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Community, Job Board, Your Stories
My story with the Khalsa Community Gardens started long before I came to Espanola
Malin Japa Kaur Arntzén, Sweden
I had been looking to live and work in a spiritually conscious community, that combined the lifestyle of Kundalini Yoga with an interest in small scale agriculture and promoting real, local, organic food.
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 05-Guru Arjan
Mera Man Lochai
The Bani of the Fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev, in the Raag (musical measure) called Maajh, Chau-Padas (Four lines per Hymn), First House of Raag.
My mind longs for meeting the Guru
(Guru Arjun Dev, not yet a Guru, expresses his desire to meet his father Guru Ram Das…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 11-Siri Guru Granth Sahib, Sikh Dharma Technology, Sikh History, The Guru
Every minute of every day divine scriptures are being read out loud from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the holy book of the Sikhs, at the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India.
This ceremonial, nonstop recitation of Sikh Scriptures, from beginning to end—all 1,430 pages—is known as an Akhand Path and continues, unbroken, to…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Events
SDI sponsored a youth camp August 5-8, 2014 at the Raj Khalsa Gurdwara in Sterling Virginia. It was a four day camp of learning about the Guru, learning and playing Gurubani Kirtan, doing yoga and learning gatka. The grand finale was going to the park for a game of "gatka wars" and playing kirtan as a group in…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 05-Guru Arjan, Prosperity, Prosperity Shabads
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Experience the Power of the Shabad
Jaa Too Mayrai Val Hai
Written by Guru Arjan, the Fifth Sikh Guru, this shabad brings prosperity and contentment. It's beautiful meaning can dissolve any fear about not having enough and deliver you to a state of Cherdi Kala - spiritual peace. Chant or recite…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 08-Guru Harkrishan, Sikh Dharma Technology
August: Number 8 – Guru HarKrishan – Pranic Body
Burn out or time out - Be a medicinal drop in the ocean of life.
The Dharma of number 8 is purity, compassion, power to empower, being a channel for healing, connection through depth of being.
The Karma of number 8 is obsessions…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Community, Sikh Art Corner
The New Mexico History Museum in Santa Fe has a new exhibit called “Painting the Divine” centered around a collection of Images of the Virgin Mary in the New World. The event planners of the museum asked me if they would be able to view the mural painted by Ed O’Brien in the Siri Singhasan…
Posted by Seva Kaur& filed under Sikh Art Corner, Siri Singh Sahib Ji, Your Stories
In 1983, Guru Hans Singh, a student of the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan, found a uniquely designed necklace in, of all places, a French architectural book. When he presented this to the Siri Singh Sahib Ji, he was overjoyed. He declared that Tantric Masters have worn this sacred, geometrically designed necklace for thousands of…
Posted by Sat Nishan Kaur& filed under Dharmic Education, Your Stories
Commitment IS the first step to happiness. Here I am to express my deepest gratitude for this amazing and fulfilling Journey into the Heart of the Sikh Dharma which certainly forged strong bonds between the 12 of us. From a flyer landed in my hand as I just took my Sikh Vows the last day…
Posted by Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa& filed under 07-Guru Har Rai, Sikh Dharma Technology
Number 7 - Guru Har Rai - Aura The Dharma of 7 is that you can forgive. The Karma of number 7 is all the ways you hold on to the past. How do we hold to the past - pride, shame, anger, guilt, resentment, bitterness, souvenirs, searching for answers, analyzing, explaining, justifying, excusing,…
Posted by Sewa Singh Khalsa& filed under Sikh Art Corner, Your Stories
Although I was formally trained in art, the greatest lesson, and the one that has most influenced my work, was the lesson I learned from my spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan. He taught me to be unattached to the work, to the process and to the idea of an identity as an artist. Since…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under 06-Guru Hargobind, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
A lecture by Siri Singh Sahib Ji on July 6th 1987
The word is "akal" and what we are celebrating today is in memory of the Akal Takhat.
Takhat means "Tirath". Tirath means that which has the base and which ultimately means sovereign. Takhat means throne. Throne was a place which was thrown away…
Posted by Shanti Kaur Khalsa& filed under Our Authors, Sikh History
In the month of June this year, the Sikhs worldwide will commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the Indian Army attack on the Harimandir Sahib, known as the Golden Temple of Amritsar, the most beloved Gurdwara of the Sikhs. This is a time of prayerful remembrance for Sikhs everywhere. Understanding the course of events that resulted…
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