Posted by Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...recitación contínua y completa del Siri Guru Granth Sahib se llama Akhand Path. Durante la meditación de una recitación completa del Siri Guru Granth Sahib , sin romper el naad...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Ministry, Your Stories
...rule of the student is obedience. The first lesson on the spiritual path is realizing how much you don’t know! Walking this path shows you that there is a lot...…
Posted by jhsd (Course)& filed under Community, Dharmic Education, Events
...especially if you are coming to this path after Yogi Bhajan’s passing. I think there is a gap in the Sikh teachings as a part of this path. 3HO is...…
Posted by Guruka Singh Khalsa& filed under Our Authors, The Guru, Your Stories
...around the Parikarma, I saw each of the Akhand Paths that were going on all around the Parikarma, and there are many of them, each one had a blue light...…
Posted by jhsd (Course)& filed under Your Stories
...the Dharmic Lifestyle, to put in place in my mind barricades against what I guess you could call spiritual recidivism. When I read in the Akhand Path a phrase from...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Khalsa Council, Ministry, Service/Seva
...and Guruprasad; serving in Gurdwara missals at Solstice; and organizing Akhand Paths and educational events. This seva is where Guru and the teachings come alive for the course participants. “We...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
...Sikh Dharma Minister. He is dedicated to help the community to connect with Guru’s Teachings, by organizing Gurdwara programs, Nagar Kirtan, Akhand Path and open events. Leer en Español...…
Posted by jhsd (Course)& filed under Dharmic Education, Your Stories
...especially if you are coming to this path after Yogi Bhajan’s passing. I think there is a gap in the Sikh teachings as a part of this path. 3HO is...…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under 10-Guru Gobind Singh, Gurpurbs
...will continue on this path of Dharma, which is the Sat Dharma, and it is the path of Sat Purusha, the True Being, walking on the path of righteousness. Friends,...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Dharmic Education
...recognize Sikh Dharma as his path, to bow to his Gurū and serve him forever. So for people of all walks of life, let Japjī awaken you to the path...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Around the World, Community, Ministry, Service/Seva
...several other Dharmic activities including Akhand Paths and Gurbani Kirtan. Our Gurdwara service is held on Sunday morning, served by 10 sevadars and attended by 20-30 people. There is also...…