Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 07-Guru Har Rai, Publications enemy who had quarreled with both his great-grandfather, Guru Arjan Dev, and his grandfather, Guru Hargobind, and was certainly also his own enemy. The Guru replied: “Behold, with one...…
Posted by Shabd Singh Khalsa& filed under Around the World, Your Stories
...lousy Sikhs with long hair? “Being a Sikh is sanctuary,” I said. Neelu just listened. “To me, the Guru is the very act of enlightenment. The physical Guru Granth Sahib...…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under The Guru
“I don’t need to go to Gurdwara, sir. I carry Guru with me everywhere.” Our teacher began to address this student’s statement, “Yes, you carry Guru around with you always....…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...Bibi Khivi, esposa de Guru Angad Dev Ji, segundo Guru de la religión Sikh. Ella fue quien estableció y quien fue la semilla para la creación de las cocinas gratuitas...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 02-Guru Angad, Publications Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa and Guruka Singh Khalsa. The Second Guru Nanak (1504-1552) Angad was 25 years old when he became the Second Guru. He went into seclusion to...…
Posted by Gurutej Singh Khalsa& filed under Dharmic Education
...of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan (1) Reflections on the 24th Pauree from S.S. Guru Tej Singh Khalsa: The 24th Paurī uses the term Ant Na, repeatedly. Ant means...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 07-Guru Har Rai, Sikh History
Un giorno qualcuno pose a Guru Har Rai (7° Guru nella cultura e tradizione Sikh) una domanda: “Guru Ji, noi recitiamo così tanto il Gurbani (lett. “la parola del Guru”...…
Posted by Rupinder Kaur Khalsa& filed under 07-Guru Har Rai, Gurpurbs, Sikh History
Art of Guru Har Rai Ji by Bhagat Singh ( In the annals of Sikh history, Guru Har Rai Ji stands as a beacon of compassion and inspiration. His...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...El Llamado del Alma de Guru Nanak: Llap Lli Sahib: En el vigésimo noveno pauree Guru Nanak continúa con su mensaje a los yoguis diciéndoles que abandonen los rituales vacíos...…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Prayer
...gate of the Guru to be acknowledged. May your purity and your victory lead you to your destiny.” Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh! Read More...…
Posted by Pritpal Singh Khalsa& filed under Dharmic Education, Prayer
...Bhajan I was brought to the words of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru. Understanding his words at the beginning of Japji Sahib, “Ek ong kar” (the Universe is one...…