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2020 SDI Annual Report


The words in the globe word cloud above are what you, our SDI community, shared that you received from your connection with Sikh Dharma International in 2020.  Thank you for sharing!

In times of transformation, like these, we find our balance and strength anchoring ourselves with the Guru’s teachingsgoing inward through meditation and going outward in service. That is exactly what we did this year, true to our identity, Sat Nam.  

Here are just some of the ways the Sikh Dharma International community has served together to bring depth and meaning to the world in these times of disruption and uncertainty.  From those of us working and serving at Sikh Dharma Internationalwe feel deeply humbled and truly blessed to be in Guru’s service. We are grateful to all of you who have continued supporting our work and mission throughout this exceptional year and we look forward to working together to serve Humanity, by Guru’s Grace Peace to All, Life to All, Love to All