Posted by Shanti Kaur Khalsa& filed under Around the World, Events
...MODE. Each flight search engine (and non-travel websites) use a tracking tool called “cookies” to remember your search history. While this can be convenient, the seller knows you are shopping...…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Community, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
...Espanola, this is the Mother House of this entire 3HO family. That’s why you have to suffer more. 3HO or Sikh Dharma started in New Mexico. This is the root...…
Posted by Pritpal Singh Khalsa& filed under 09-Guru Teg Bahadur, Our Authors, Sikh History
artist: There are many examples through history of people who gave their lives to defend their religious beliefs. But Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed his life to defend the right...…
Posted by Shanti Kaur Khalsa& filed under Community, Events, Legacy Organizations, Our Authors
...Santa Fe Plaza is the heart center of the town and is the destination of all visitors at some point in their trip. Saturday July 9th, the 3HO Sikh community...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 11-Siri Guru Granth Sahib
called Raags (Sikher / SikhiWiki). Raags are very particular musical scales. Different Raags are meant to be sung at different times of day or at different seasons. The Siri Guru...…
Posted by Shabd Singh Khalsa& filed under Our Authors not my intention to give a thorough history here. This is simply a recount of my experience. As I walked along a curving path, I scanned the area...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Sikh Dharma Technology
...a Cold Shower (and Why) Ishnaan: The Science of Hydrotherapy Unfolding History of the Khalsa Nation One Minute Spirituality Rehit Maryada Self-Healing and Knowing the Self Teaching the Essence of...…
Posted by Sat Bachan Kaur& filed under Sikh Dharma Technology, Siri Singh Sahib Ji, Your Stories
...courageous commitment, devotional living and realized hope. I’d like to begin these shares with the beloved Tantric Necklace. Let me share the history of this sacred technology with you. In...…