Hail, Hail Guru Ram Das and Heal the World!
Hail, Hail Guru Ram Das and Heal the World!
Hail, Hail Guru Ram Das and Heal the World!
Sangats across the globe are joining together for the annual celebrations for the birthday of our beloved Teacher, the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan. Here are some global communities who are planning activities that you can participate in:
USA: The Hacienda de Guru Ram Das Sangat
The HGRD community in Espanola, New Mexico will be hosting the following events:
- August 15-25 – 11 days of reciting Rehiras Sahib (5:00pm MDT) and chanting to Guru Ram Das (5:30pm MDT) leading up to Siri Singh Sahib Ji’s birthday (in-person and livestreamed)
- Visit World Time Buddy to find your local time and visit the HGRD YouTube Channel to view the program
- August 24 – Annual birthday party celebration at the Siri Singh Sahib Ji’s ranch on Saturday, from 5pm to 9pm MDT (in-person event)
- August 26 – Special sadhana (2 1/2 hours of the Long Ek OngKar meditation) on his actual birthday (in-person and livestreamed)
- 4:00 am MDT – Guru Ram Das Chanting (11 minutes)
- 4:15 am MDT – Long Ek Ong Kar Special Sadhana (2 1/2 hours)
- Visit World Time Buddy to find your local time and visit the HGRD YouTube Channel to view the program
Italy: Nam – Nel Nome dell’Amato Maestro Yogi Bhajan
- August 25 – (Nam – in the Name of the Beloved Master) in Italy will be hosting a special gurdwara at 1900 hours CEST, in honor of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan. Bhai Sahiba Bibi Inderjit Kaur, the wife of the Siri Singh Sahib Ji, will be addressing the Sangat at 19:30 hours (in-person and livestreamed).
To join, visit the Nam Nome dell’Amato Maestro Yogi Bhajan Facebook Page on August 25 at 1900 hours CEST. Visit World Time Buddy to find your local time
China: Sangat Members
August 26 – will be celebrating the Siri Singh Sahib Ji’s birthday at 03:15 China time with a special sadhana of 2.5 hours of Long Ek Ong Kars from 3:15am to 6:00am China time.
Visit World Time Buddy to find your local time.
The Zoom ID is: 835 7806 2373 and the password is: 2Mzy0i
Malaysia: Sangat Members
- August 26 – By Grace of Guru Ram Das Ji, Yogi Bhajan Ji’s Birthday Celebration
- Morning Sadhana from 4am – 7.30am – 2. 5 hours of chanting Long Ek Ong Kars (in-person event + via Zoom)
- Breakfast at 7:30am @29, Jalan SS 3/72. Taman Universiti Garden. 47300 Petaling Jaya. (in-person event)
- Kulbir Singh Puri, son of Yogi Bhajan will be a special guest at the evening Global Chanting at 5.50pm tune in; 6pm-6.11pm – 11 minutes of Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru (in-person event in GNA + via YouTube)
- Evening chanting – 6.15pm – Sharing, Rahraas Sahib Ji & Kirtan; 8.15pm – Dinner @32, Jalan SS 3/74. Taman Universiti Garden, 47300. Petaling Jaya (in-person event)
These event times are in the GMT+8 time zone (Malaysia, China) Visit World Time Buddy to find your local time.
Join us for this elevating celebration. For details: +6010 9240936. 🙏
Chile: Guru Ram Das Ashram
5am Sadhana 2 hours and a half of Long Ek Ong Kar; 7:30am Gurdwara; 8:30am Langar (in-person event + via Zoom)
Here is the Zoom link to join.
For seva please contact Charansev Khalsa +56981802550
This event is in the Chilean/EDT time zone. Visit World Time Buddy to find your local time
*Please keep in mind that the livestreaming for these events is a grass roots effort and there may be times when the internet reception is not good or unreliable. Each community will do their best to share their event, so please remember, “Patience Pays”!
Additional Resources
The Sikhnet Play has a recording of the Long Ek OngKar Meditation: Click here to listen to audio to accompany your practice at the time of your choosing
View an article by Shakti Parwha Kaur, explaining the “how and why” of the Ek Ong Kar meditation.
Here Krishna Kaur provides some history and a demonstration of how to do the Ek Ong Kar meditation
With love and gratitude for the teachings of Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan.
Love and Blessings to All
Deshjot Kaur says:
Sat Nam,
thank you global Sangat
Sat Nam
Sikh Dharma International says:
Wahe Guru!
Elizabeth Suárez Tórtoza says:
Exelente sat nam