Jaap Sahib is one of the daily banis (Sikh prayers) prescribed by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. It is typically recited by Sikhs following morning recitation of Japji Sahib. It was composed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and is the first bani in the the Dasam Granth of Guru Gobind Singh (p. 1-10). Jaap Sahib is made up of 199 verses.
Jaap Sahib corresponds to the air element (tattva).
The Naad, or sound current, of Jaap Sahib rouses the soul and the self of the Being. “Sahib” means grace.
Recitation of Jaap Sahib can bring grace and greatness. Guru Gobind Singh prescribed recitation of Jaap Sahib so that Sikhs would never become beggars at the doors of others. Practicing this bani cultivates rulership, self-command, and self-grace. It takes away fear and brings vitality, courage, power, strength, and self-esteem. It can bring royalty, divinity, bliss, bountifulness, beauty, and grace to one’s life.
Jaap Sahib opens with the following verse:
God is one; He is realized with the grace of true Guru.
Name of the Bani (Divine Hymn)
Hymns uttered from the holy mouth of the Tenth Guru.
Chhapai Chhand. Tav Prasad.
The bani is being uttered with God’s grace.
God has no quoit, mark, color, caste or lineage.
None can describe His form, complexion, outline and costume.
He is perpetual, self-illuminated, and measureless in power.
God is the King of kings and God of millions of Indras.
God is the Emperor of the three worlds, demigods, men and demons; and the woods and dales proclaim Him as indescribable.
No one can tell all the Names of God, Who is called by special Name by the wise, according to his excellences and doings (1)
Click Here to Listen to Jaap Sahib on YouTube
Click Here to Access Jaap Sahib in Gurmukhi, Transliteration and English
Click Here for Instructions for a Beautiful Practice called “Bowing Jaap Sahib”
Video excerpt from the Jaap Sahib course in Espanola, New Mexico
On the topic of Guru Gobind Singh ji’s bani, Jaap Sahib, Jugat Guru Singh Khalsa (Chardi Kala Jatha) talks about how it is important to learn about the Sikh Gurus and the history to deepen the experience.
Video Workshop on Jaap Sahib
SS Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa and Harijot Singh Khalsa teach a beautiful workshop on Jaap Sahib:
~Resources: Victory & Virtue: Ceremonies & Code of Conduct of Sikh Dharma (2001) by the Office of the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere; “Tools to Elevate our Consciousness” (Sikh Dharma International); “Jaap Sahib” (SikhiWiki).
Note: For those who would like to begin a personal practice of Sikh banis and prayers, our marketplace has a Gurmukhi-Roman Nitnem available that contains Jaap Sahib and other Sikh banis for daily recitation, as well as the Peace Lagoon with English translation of Sikh prayers and banis.