

“Jaikara” means “call of victory.”

In Sikh Dharma, the most common jaikara is “Bole So Nihaal!” (The one who speaks shall be blessed!), which is answered by “Sat Siri Akal!” (The Great Truth is Undying!)

This call is made by the person reciting Ardas (Sikh prayer) at its close, and the Sadh Sangat returns the call in a spirited prayer to the Creator that the Truth may prevail through His servants.

The jaikara is also sent up at other occasions, when a unifying affirmation on the part of the Sadh Sangat is desired. The cry of “Bole So Nihal!” may be sent up several times in a row. If it is offered up more than once, then it is usually given five times (representing one for each of the Panj Piaray, the “Five Beloved Ones” chosen to be the first members of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru).

Watch the Jaikara “Bole So Nihal’ with Chardikala Kids on YouTube 

Watch Recitation of an Original Jaikara on YouTube 

~Resource: Victory & Virtue: Ceremonies & Code of Conduct of Sikh Dharma (2001) by the Office of the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere