
“Kirtan,” or “Bhajan” is a beautiful practice in Sikh Dharma. It means to create a vibration strong enough that your heart creates a call to the Infinite. This is your spiritual song.  Sikhs believe that when we meditate this way, vibrating the Infinite Cosmos within us, we open the path for transformation as it allows God to come through in our lives.

In Sikh Dharma, through the practice of Kirtan, or vibrating to the Creator within our heart and spirit, we call on the Infinite Creator to come into our being and vibrate within us.  Sikhs believe that this expands the power of the Infinite Creative energy within us. As we fill up with this energy, it comes through us to uplift and transform every situation. We don’t have to struggle with our environments, we just need to focus on building the vibration of the Shabad within our being.

As this vibration grows it builds the power to deal with the changes in the world that are so necessary at this time. This idea is explained in the 5th Sutra of the Aquarian Age: “Vibrate the Cosmos, and the Cosmos will Clear the Path.”



You can practice this yourself. Don’t think about how you sound, or if you are on the right pitch. Just feel the words. For example: Bhaj Man Mere Haree Ka Naam (“Vibrate the Name of the Creator O My Mind”). Feel and create that vibration as you sing this. Visualize that you are vibrating the identity of the entire Creator (Har) behind the Creation with every cell of your being; let that vibration come through you as you sing this shabad. Then get louder and louder: let it out! Build the vibration so that the Universe hears you.  Don’t worry about anyone else, just sing, to create the call for the Universe to hear you. Make it so strong that God has to hear you. That is the vibratory call within you for your Creator. Let God wake up and hear you. Make your vibration and your call heard.

Listen to Bhaja Man Mere by Sada Sat Kaur 

Listen to Bhaja Man Mere by Guru Ganesha Singh 


Guru Kriya

The practice of Kirtan, or Bhajan, is based in spiritual song, singing and chanting from the heart, connecting with the Divine and bringing devotion to connect with Shabad Guru. Guru Kriya is another way to practice this, making the body an instrument of devotion in singing to God.

Click Here for the Instructions to Practice Guru Kriya  


~Resource: “Bhajan: Creating a Call to the Infinite” (Sikh Dharma International).