Image from SikhiWiki.
Peer Buddhu Shah was a famous Muslim saint from Sadhaura who was very fond of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. He helped the Guru by offering 500 pathans (soldiers) for his army. Later on, however, some of these pathans did not show their solidarity and left the Guru. But it is also said some of them became martyrs, as did the two sons of Peer, named Ashraf and Mohammad Shah.
Even after this happened, the Peer continued serving the Guru. Once, when out of sheer love the Guru offered him to ask for anything, Peer just asked for the Guru’s personal comb with a few hairs entangled in it. Guru smilingly gave him the comb, along with a sword. Later on, in 1709, Peer was punished to death by Usman Khan for his devotion for the Guru.
Banda Singh Bahadur killed Usman and took the revenge of Peer’s killing.
The two relics, “the comb and the sword of the Guru” are now preserved at a family palace of the King of Nabha.
~ Resource: Living Reality (1994) by Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa.