The experience of meditation generally comes in several stages:
- Rasa: you feel that life is juicy, the atmosphere is juicy, you are juicy
- Delight
- You become polite
- You become humble
- You become elevated
- You become graceful and enlightened
Once you are enlightened, enlightenment has certain stages of its own:
- You are yourself
- You become silent like a lighthouse. Whenever you see, wherever you are, your presence has an effect
- You project—you are everywhere
- You become prayerful
- You become a preacher—you begin talking about God and give people “gunas” (merits) and “gyan” (knowledge)
- You become a master—you chisel the divinity and unity out of the divided self
- You become a Sage—you say nothing, you hear nothing
~Resource: this information was originally shared in the book Living Reality (1994) by Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa.
To deepen your understanding and experience of meditation, check out the book “The 21 Stages of Meditation”. Ranging from Upset and Boredom to Humility, Graceful Enlightenment, and the Sage, explore these stages and the three distinct meditative journeys, which culminate in the pinnacle of contemplative awareness, the 21st stage, also described as The Infinite Pulse. This book clarifies the process and outlines the steps towards one’s progress in meditation, as defined by Yogi Bhajan.