The current Officers of Sikh Dharma International are:

  • Bhai Sahiba, Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD
  • Siri Sikdar Sahiba, Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa, MA
  • Board Chair – SS Siri Pritam Kaur Khalsa
  • Board Secretary – SS Kirti Kaur Khalsa
  • CEO and Secretary General – SS Prem Kaur Espinosa
  • Secretary of Religion – SS Dr. Sat Kaur Khalsa
  • Assistant Secretary of Religion – SS Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa


Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD, holds the distinguished position of Bhai Sahiba or Chief Religious Minister of Sikh Dharma, and she was the wife of Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji for 52 years. To Sikhs around the globe, she is a revered “mother” and honored as an ambassador of good will and a harbinger of interfaith dialogue among religious leaders.

In 2006 she was named the New Mexico Ambassador of Peace by Senator Shannon Robinson. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson appointed Bibiji as his Representative to India in 2007.

In 2005, Bibiji received the honorific ‘Panth Rattan,’ from Singh Sahib Iqbal Singh of Takhat Sri Patna Sahib. In Sikhism, we honor those people with title of Panth Rattan meaning “The Jewel of the Nation,” for outstanding service given to the Sikh panth. It is a title seldom granted, and then only after serious consideration. In November of 2004, Bibiji was recognized by the Akal Takhat as the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere, a position she has held in the West since 1975.

In May of 2004, Bibiji was presented with the Kashi Humanitarian Award by the Kashi Ashram in Florida, and in April she was appointed to the Akal Takhat Religious Advisory Counsel in India, a prestigious body of 21 Sikhs selected from among esteemed ministers, teachers, and counselors throughout the world, credentialed and recognized in their fields. The Akal Takhat Advisory Council was created to conduct studies and make recommendations to the Akal Takhat on critical issues facing Sikhs in the world today.

The Bhai Sahiba is responsible to advise Sikh Dharma on religious matters and promote good relations with the global community.

Bibiji serves as the head of the 3HO delegation to the Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) body of the United Nations. She is the Founder and Program Director of Create Inner Peace, a program to manage critical incident stress for first responders, utilizing yoga and meditation technology.  She is also a Level 3 certified Kundalini Yoga teacher.

Bibiji has authored a number of books on Sikh educational principals that are used throughout the world, including Living Reality, a question-and-answer book for Sikh youth, and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Darshan, an intricate and esoteric description of the rags (musical scales), poetry, and architectural design of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred body of Sikh scripture, hymns, and holy verse. she is also the author of the newly published Mantra book, Create Inner Peace, Taste of India Volume 1&2, Stories to Win the World, Psyche of the Soul, Psyche of the Golden Shield) and co-author of Victory and Virtue. Bibiji is sought as a public speaker, lecturer and teacher at many seminars worldwide.

Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur

Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa started her career in 1974 developing and building the legacy nonprofits established by the Siri Singh Sahib including 3HO Foundation, Kundalini Research Institute, Sikh Dharma Education International, and Sikh Dharma International. She worked internationally in community development and established with the Siri Singh Sahib the Khalsa model of education for Miri Piri Academy in India. She supported the formulation of 3HO events & programs, including Solstices, Khalsa Women’s Training Camp, Khalsa Youth Camp and she helped to standardize the framework for the early stages of the Kundalini Research Institute’s Teachers Training Program by engaging the international body of teachers. She co-founded Amar Infinity to provide endowments and grants to support all the Siri Singh Sahib’s inspired legacy nonprofits in order to bring prosperity for the future of this mission.

Beginning in 1985, she served as Secretary General of Sikh Dharma International for 20 years and served the leadership body of ministers by developing the agendas for the International & European Khalsa Council meetings. During that time, she traveled around the globe in service to the Sadh Sangat helping communities and individuals through transitions, growth challenges & governance issues as well as facilitating White Tantric Yoga courses. An ordained minister of the Sikh faith since 1977, she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Comparative Religions.   In 2004, at the Siri Singh Sahib’s passing he bestowed upon her the privilege to serve the Sangat as the Chief Spiritual Minister.

The Siri Singh Sahib has said about her:

“When you want a logical and rational spiritual counseling, Guru Amrit is the best. She has a very different kind of vitality and projection as a human being. But if you are in a terrible difficulty, she is very kind and compassionate. She can do in three minutes what nobody can do in thirty days. In three minutes, she will give herself to you and she can enter your soul to uplift it to the height you can experience. There is no magic about it.”

“I have never seen a human being with such a perpetual grit that she stood with me through every odd and even like a rock. She has an extremely dependable character and she has a God given gift which I don’t think can be valued in any way. She is absolutely a living rational and logical person and extremely analytical and extremely soothing. Her style is her own. Her life is her own, herself is her own. She is a very rare human being. I not only respect her. I have great reverence for her. She is a very unique person. Her language is her own and it is very joyful and I am very happy and extremely feel very helped that I have all these years of association with her and she is a comrade in hand, friend in the waiting. She is a great healer. She is a real missionary.” Lecture: Los Angeles, California 3/20/1991.

Born and raised in Germany, with education in Austria and France, she came to the USA in her youth. She had the good fortune to find her way to Sikh Dharma when things were starting out, initially living at Hargobind Sadan Ashram in the Bay Area. Inspired by the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, she married and raised her children the 3HO way. Later on, Yogi Bhajan was instrumental in her business training which has provided her immense benefit. Siri Pritam was part of the Siri Singh Sahib corporation for a number of years prior to joining the SDI board and thus bring with her much organizational and institutional knowledge.

Siri Pritam lives in Yuba City, a large Punjabi Sikh community, near Sacramento, California, where she is known professionally via her Physical Therapy clinic. A long-time member of the Tierra Buena Sikh Temple and a founding member and past president of the Punjabi – American Heritage Society, she frequently mentors’ local youth; her Yoga & Meditation classes are well established.

Siri Pritam Kaur is a mother to three grown children and four grandchildren, the older one’s enthusiastic students of MPA in Amritsar.

She is most approachable, willing to serve and support anyone interested in the 3HO way as a vehicle to fulfill their mission and vision.

Kirti Kaur is originally from Rome, Italy, and speaks fluent English, Italian, French, and Spanish. She became a student of the Siri Singh Sahib at age 19 and never looked back. She moved to the US almost 27 years ago, when the Siri Singh Sahib arranged her marriage to Dr. Dharma Singh. Kirti Kaur became a Sikh Dharma Minister in 2001. She has a passion for helping others, both as a Minister and as a volunteer with Rotary. She serves as the CEO of the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation.

With a Swedish mother and a Mexican father, I am both an American and European citizen.  I have been part of our Sikh Dharma/3HO community since 1984 and have a long history of serving our Dharma in various capacities beginning in 1986.

Over the years, I have lived in Los Angeles, Espanola, Mexico and India (at Miri Piri Academy).  Since 2020, my family and I have been living in Spain.  I speak seven languages and have worked in my life to develop multi-cultural and multi-generational relationships.

I care deeply about our Dharmic Teachings and my hope and prayer is to bring the Mission and Spirit of our Dharma to our international community.

As a multicultural and multilingual person, who also sits on the 3HO Europe board, I am grateful to have the opportunity to share my passion of networking and community building.

Dr. Sat Kaur Khalsa has been serving as Secretary of Religion for Sikh Dharma International since 1991.  The Office of the Secretary of Religion, in co-operation with the Chancellor of Sikh Dharma, is responsible for the financial and administrative functions of the Sikh Dharma International Ministry.

As Secretary of Religion, Dr. Sat Kaur oversees the New Minister Candidate process for ordaining Sikh Dharma Ministers. She supports the development and training of Ministers, publishes a quarterly Sikh Dharma Ministry Newsletter, and works with the other non-profit Dharmic and 3HO organizations to spread the teachings of the Shabad Guru and the technology of Sikh Dharma as taught by the Siri Singh Sahib.

Dr. Sat Kaur is a long-time member of the International Khalsa Council and the Khalsa Council Executive Committee. She also serves as a liaison between the Office of the Sikh Dharma Secretary General and the Office of the Bhai Sahiba and is an Officer of the Sikh Dharma International Board.

Dr. Sat Kaur maintains a full-time psychotherapy private practice in Santa Monica, California and Santa Fe, New Mexico.  She counsels individuals, couples, and families to support their personal and spiritual growth. She is a Level 1 certified Kundalini Yoga teacher and a facilitator for White Tantric Yoga, as well as a published author.

shantishantiDr. Shanti Shanti Kaur was ordained as a Sikh Dharma Minister in 1973 and has served as Assistant Secretary of Religion of Sikh Dharma since 2000 supporting the Office of the Secretary of Religion in building a global grassroots Ministry. She travels and works with Ministers around the world and is a member of the Sikh Dharma Ministry Newsletter team. She is also a member of the International Khalsa Council and an Officer of the Sikh Dharma International Board.

By profession she is a Medical Family Therapist with a PhD in Health Psychology. She serves as Executive Director of the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology founded by Yogi Bhajan to bring Kundalini Yoga into healthcare and was trained by him as a Kundalini Yoga Therapist. She is a charter member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and serves on its Advisory Board. Dr. Khalsa travels the globe to bring the International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Professional Training—an accredited program held in four regions worldwide—to 22 countries.