Sikh Dharma 101 - an Online Course
This is a "self-study" overview of the Sikh Dharma path for those seeking a deeper understanding of the question “What is a Sikh?”

Sikh Dharma 201 - an Online Course
This self-study course is a follow up to Sikh Dharma 101 and offers a more in-depth learning experience about the Sikh lifestyle.

2024 SDI Annual Report
See the Many Wonderful Ways the SDI Staff have Connected and Served Our Global Community this Past Year

Japji for the Aquarian Age App for iOS and Android
Includes Gurmukhi as well as Transliteration and Translation in English or Spanish. You can also do 11 repetitions of individual pauris

Support for Mental Wellbeing
Beautiful teachings, including Shabad Guru and meditations, which can help with feelings of anxiety, depression and overwhelm
Overcoming Mental Health and Emotional Struggles
Use the practice of Simran to overcome Anxiety, Depression, Self-Doubt. Develop intuition, courage and create a life of victory!
Navigate Crisis through the Wisdom of Gurbani
Find strength and navigate challenges gracefully and Deepen Your Silence and Presence
Learn or Refresh Techniques for Your Singing Voice
Vocal warmups for daily practice and early morning singing and the best breath and chakra integration for Aquarian Sadhana
A Deep Dive into the Pathway of Intuitive Ease, Elegance, and Natural Poise

Joy of Gurmukhi "Teach Yourself" Videos
Ongoing - This FREE Course is a Series of 16 Videos which Allows You to Learn Gurmukhi at Your Own Pace in Your Own Time
Vaisakhi 2024
View the full Vaisakhi program that took place with thousands of our Sangat at the LA Convention Center on April 7, 2024
The History of Ram Das Puri and Peace Prayer Day
Siri Chand Singh shares about the history of how our community started celebrating Summer Solstice and Peace Prayer Day

Two Regular Virtual Akhand Paths
You are invited to read in the weekly HGRD virtual Akhand Path and the monthly GRDA virtual Akhand Path.

Artículos en Español
We are grateful for our Sevadars who assist with translations. Please contact us if you would like to translate articles into your language.
Your First Visit to a Sikh Gurdwara
Understanding what happens at a Gurdwara and how to participate

A "How To" Video Series of Gurdwara Protocols
How to Prepare Gurprasad, How to Recite Ardas, How to Take a Hukam, How to Set Up a Gurdwara in Your Home and More

Japji Sahib - Translated into 20 Languages
Volunteers across the Globe have Translated Japji Sahib into their Languages, so Many More People can Understand this Powerful Bani

Free Gift: Tri-Fold Meditation Cards
These cards share benefits of meditating on the Guru's Bani and can stand up on their own to adorn your altar or sacred space

Lectures and Videos of Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan
Teachings to Help Raise Your Consciousness and Live a Better Life

Finding Your Way to the Guru
Articles, Videos and Courses to Support Your Relationship of Divinity on a Pathway to Infinity

Check Out Sikhnet Play
Bring the Shabad Guru into Your Life, Anytime, No Matter Where You Are! Even Listen to Gurbani Live at Gurdwaras Around the World!