How do I post a job?
To post a job, you must be registered as an employer. If you are already registered, click “Employer Login” in the Jobs Menu and skip the next step.
If you are not registered, look for the “Jobs Menu” on the right-hand side, click “Employer Registration” and fill out the required fields. You should see a success message at the top of the next screen when you complete this process.
Once logged in as an employer, click on “Post a Job” in the “Jobs Menu” and fill out every required field. Click “Preview” at the bottom of the page and review your listing. To make a change, click “Edit Listing at the bottom of the page; when you are satisfied, click “Publish Listing”.
Your listing will be reviewed by a moderator, who will either approve it or contact you for more information. Most listings are reviewed within 48 hours.
How do I apply for a job?
To apply for a job, you must be a registered member of the site (as a candidate or employer.) If you are already registered, login and skip the next step.
To register as a candidate, click “Candidate Registration” in the Resumes Menu on the right-hand side of the screen. Fill out all the fields and click “Create Account”. You may update your resume on the next screen, but this is not required.
Once logged in, click on “View Jobs” and then click on the title of the job you wish to apply for. Read the description, and then click on “Apply Online” at the bottom of the entry. Provide your name, email, and a cover letter or introductory message here. To share your resume with the employer, either upload it as an attachment or request that they view it on the JobBoard. Click “Send Application” to complete the process.
You will receive email confirmation that the application was sent. If the employer wishes to reply to your application, they will do so by emailing you directly at the address you provided.
How do I post a resume?
To post a resume, first register or log in as a candidate following the steps listed above.
Once logged in, click on “My Resume” in the right-hand “Resumes Menu”, then click on “(Edit)” on top of the “Resume” box. Enter each part of your resume into the respective fields. (You may also copy and paste from another document.) Click “Save and Close” when you are finished, or “Cancel and go back” if you would not like to save the changes.
You may also update your account, contact, and address information or add a picture of yourself on your “My Resume” page, by clicking “(Edit)” above each respective box.
Please note: Do NOT fill out the lowest fields (“Education” and “Experience”) on your “My Resume” page. These are duplicate fields that will be removed soon.
Who can view or apply to jobs?
Anyone can view jobs; only registered members of the Sikh Dharma JobBoard may apply for jobs.
Who can view a resume?
Anyone can view a resume, but only registered employers can contact a candidate via their resume page.
How much does it cost to use the JobBoard?
All features of the JobBoard are currently free. We plan to charge for job listings posted by for-profit businesses in the future.
When will I get a response to my application?
Employers are notified whenever anyone applies for one of their listings. They can choose to respond to applicants at their own discretion, but we encourage employers to respond to all applications within two weeks.
How long will my job be posted for?
All listings expire after 30 days. Contact the admin at if you would like your listing to stay active for a longer period.
How long will my resume be posted for?
Your resume will be posted until you choose to remove it.