For years, SDI hosted classes at the SDI Academy tent at the Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration at Ram Das Puri, outside of Espanola, NM, USA and at the Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration at the Circle F Dude Ranch in Lake Wales, FL, USA. Since COVID, we have also held virtual LIVE classes during the solstice time of year. We invite you to enjoy these excerpts of past classes.
2020 - Summer e-Solstice with Sada Sat Simran Singh
Grace Through Humility and Sacrifice
2020 - Summer with Kirtan Singh and Rupinder Kaur
The Experience of Consciousness: The Mool Mantra and Kaaeeaa(n) Kalab Kriya
2020 - Summer e-Solstice with Pritpal Singh
Listening Our Way to Conscious Change: The 8th Pauree of Japji Leads the Way