Sikh simply means “seeker of truth.” Sikh Dharma is a spiritual path for those who are looking to establish an enduring connection to their Divine truth within. Like all spiritual traditions, Sikh Dharma has its lineage and legacy, guidelines and philosophies, its Masters, its saints and history.
But primarily, Sikh Dharma offers a down-to-earth spiritual path for every-day people. It doesn’t matter what your spiritual orientation is; or what culture or background you belong to. Any person can do these practices to help them experience their own Divinity and Infinity.
Sikhs strive to train the mind and the senses to recognize the Divine Light within oneself and within all of creation and to be of service to others.
A Sikh lives a normal life. Single or married. With children or without. In work life and in social life, as Sikhs we strive to:
- Keep connected to the Divine in our heart with every breath.
- Earn our living honestly and share what we earn with others.
- View the interactions of daily life as opportunities to serve.