The greatest myth and the greatest betrayal man ever faced in the hand of another man, when man was told that he has to find God. When man was told he was born in sin, the biggest lie, when man was asked the authentic value to be given to achieve God outside himself. When search of God started, man admitted to the fact that God is lost. After all he only searched for something that is missing, that is lost. So God which is everywhere, God which is in you and me, God which is part of all of us, God which is in the form of all of us is lost, it is a joke. So remember love is endless, compassion is forever, God is everywhere in God I dwell. Topic of the next class.
YB: Those who command in the name of God shall also obey in the name of God. It’s that true?
Student: Yes.
YB: Good.
(Students’ laughter)
I spoke before a very beautiful catholic congregation in Mexico City. I spoke there as my obligation to be a Catholic first, you must understand that’s the only religion which I studied as a child was. Being a student of Christ, studying Catholicism in the nitty-gritty of it and being a student of Sacred Heart Convent, which I love, respect and understand the value. I, my love and respect for that is because after that I had to study Judaism very thoroughly and God knows how many rabbis have put how much in it. If all the Jews and their total brain is considered together, I don’t think all what is written for them, they can even understand, though our brain is a big computer. Then I have to go through the entire Judaism and that was something, which I didn’t like to go through. Then the offshoot of that was Islam, which I have to go through. Because in the name of Allah, the infinite one God and being humble, they killed everybody. Otherwise, I have to study that and how can they do it.
What my basic study is, not a religion, to be very factual with you. To me this statement, which I am making, makes me look as a pervert religious man but I am going to make it. To me what cannot be told is not truth and what cannot be proven is not truth and what it is, truth is truth forever. To me this situation, that God cannot be found, cannot be hugged, cannot be kissed, cannot be loved, it’s a myth. It’s a total guilt and making God bigger than me is a lie. Because then the very word on which I stand, ‘Aad Sach, Jugad Sach, Hai Bhee Sach, Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach,’ are lies and they don’t sound lies. How can that be? Truth is, truth was, truth shall be and truth always has triumphed, we all say it, we all know it, we understand it, then basically I don’t understand that why. The problem, which I have found is, that there are three truths; individual, circumstantial and infinite, you should speak infinite truth.
Well, if that is not possible, you should speak individual truth, but what we do is, we speak circumstantial truth, which has a hook and a bait and it looks like a truth and we go fishing with it. The idea is to control each other, the idea is not to love each other, that fifteen years I have not wasted, they are beautiful fifteen years, I used to think my God I have to come into insane country, dealing with insane people, I am not going to make any sense but now I have all of a sudden in last three days in Mexico I started making sense to myself, first time. I have made sense to myself that here we are insecure. We are insecure and we are a, we are a insecure institute and our life is destitute. What I find is, life is like a, like a cylinder, a shell and it is hallow and like a Mexican bean will make lot of noise, there is some life in it. You know have you seen that little Mexican bean? You put him on table it tick, tick, tick, tick… It goes crazy, when you touch it you feel it, it’s totally perfect but inside there is a life.
The lecture which I gave before that catholic congregation is available on tape, I want you to all read it, see it, have it, please, it’s, it’s wonderful. Because the greatest thing which I emphasized there with all my negativity and all my sin and all my depression and mistake and allegation and character assassination, whatever that’s all true. Whatever you say against me, it’s true, but it’s not true at the same time, find out that puzzle. Because there can be no life without anchor, there can be no ship without anchor, it is the anchor which matters, not you. Your problem is you think you matter, you don’t matter, never you were in any position to matter, nor you are a matter, matter and mind is the problem, without mind you do not matter and mind must have anchor and that matters. It’s the anchor which bring you the stability in the depth of the water, in the depth of the storm through the hurricane does knows what.
Your problem, your training is that you matter. As a congregation you matter, you make the church, church didn’t make you. You brought the God into thought and thought brought the things. You are powerful, you know it, you are powerful because the part of God is in you the soul that makes lot of noise like a bee but you are also a shell, you are a shell and you are a meat, I agree but there is no pearl in you. It is you don’t relate to it and that is the soul.
The sole purpose of this life is to relate to the soul and the sole purpose, you have got to find your soul mate and divorce and marry and sleep in good, God bless you, you are wonderful. I, I like your theories. I am very glad to become a student from today onward to study your theories, it’s wonderful. Your white skin, blue eyes, golden hair or whatever you are, bushy hair or and I was also told not to look at the hair, I am a student of hairs. I know what hair represents. Now I am told, that when I see those (?) thing and those kind of different color hair, I should not watch because my turban is being washed, you know these are different theories anyway. But I have also studied in fifteen years, your hairdo represent your mental projectivity.
The barometer or thermometer, I have also found out that Gurbani which we read, which we don’t understand sometime, if we read it, we go through it. It, it has eighty-four meridian points on the palate, upper palate, which is connected with hypothalamus, this is how it works, it is a simple thing because I told somebody to be a Guinea pig and work it out and I chose a person who did not know one word of Gurmukhi and I ask her not to read any translation. She did not read one translation, she verbaculy, only by verbalization read the Gurbani and that too only Japji. I said read Japji and she did it after listening to a tape and reading herself by it. Does not understand one meaning and doesn’t want to understand now, now she told me, “No, no meaning, no.”
I said, “Okay, that’s fine. It worked with you then keep up.”
What happen is that my upper palate has eighty-four meridian points, which are connected with hypothalamus and when my lingua, the language, the tongue creates the language, those points are touched very beautifully and that stimulates a permutation and combination in my look, normally my hypothalamus were here I work the hypothalamus and thereafter I make the pineal, radiated projectivity in a three and a half cycle. Normally it does point in six, point in seven, maximum people point in eight, point in three, point in two, with dumb people point nine, point eight, point six and that can be seen in the arc line, I always do that and moment I say, arc line and I can understand the guy is point seven. I said, well, give him a cup of tea and give him some fruit and get off the interview because all is going to stink you know, you can understand from, from that arc line, you can understand where the projectivity of a human communication is and how the mind is going to work, it’s very easy to read. But normally, if that can be stimulated into experience of three point five, three and a half, it is one of the best man you can deal with and that makes the pituitary to act efficiently and pituitary makes other gland act efficiently. So man is healthy, happy, holy. You understand the basic of it.
Basic is to work, invertedly to create happiness and holiness and one is work from outside inward and one is from inside, outside, it is same circle is complete, it’s all the negative, positive way of working, but what I have seen this woman went through the experiment, she did that and then she went through experiences and she was told whatever the experience is, it is by side, it is detour, there is nothing you keep going, she kept going and finally one day, she found it out, who she is, what her soul is, what her relationship with her soul is and when she was discussing with me, I was discussing with myself and what is one year in ones life. One year every morning at a select hour, she recited Japji with a tape to the extent, now she can recite herself accurately and that is her lingua exercise she call it. Like,
‘Aad sach, Jugad sach, Hai bhee sach, Nanak hosee bhee sach.’
Soche soch, she exactly did that. She did it, she call it a lingua exercise, she does the language exercise, she exactly did it, not to get off the load and on the load, okay, it is half an hour religious hour let me get off my way or she didn’t ask God to give her everything or nothing, she did it just to herself for her own experiment because she believed a man in a white robe, that’s what she said. She said, “I believe a man in white robe. I did it, I got it, I am not thanking you, I am thanking your white robe.”
(Students’ laughter)
She said, “I don’t, I don’t thank you. I thank your white robe.”
I said, “Okay, thank you white robe, it’s okay.”
So basically, what I have tried to understand, you are not to be blamed you are two hundred year old as a nation, you are two day old and some days over, some years over, there is something has to be brought to you and that’s mind. So there is a slander, there is a shell like a shell, it has meat in it that animal meat, that animal, which you open the shell and eat it, remember that? Hah? You go all on the restaurant, there is a special food for you, but I am not talking of that, I am talking what you are. In cosmic feast, you are just that shell, beautiful shell and there is a meat but there is no pearl yet formed. Because the pearl has to have little sand that discipline. Hard thing and when around that hard irritation that animal goes around it become the hub and the circle, that, that is the, isn’t that is the secret of making a pearl by nature and what God couldn’t create without that, how can you create man, what are you talking, don’t, you have to see me and I don’t have to see you, let us not talk to each other at all ever, fact is found, truth is there.
Every man needs that little sand in that jelly kind of that meat, that passion and what is that little sand, compassion, forgiveness, kindness. Forgiveness, kindness and consciousness these are three things which are God together and every human has it and everybody needs it and with that rounds the whole world, it will go around it. Kindness, compassion and consciousness, that’s the bottom line. Then only, the shell will glow, this shell like a lamp, if inside the filament is glowing, this outside this lamp is glowing, it’s a light. We are enjoying it. That fan is not light, because it’s not glowing though the electricity is there but it’s moving. Moving, you are all moving. You are creating lot of wind, passing lot of wind, I mean to say, I am just using the spun of the word and you are all wind ballooning yourself. What that Shakti used to, you taught me some song, I am the bubble, you are the sea, what was that?
Student: (—-)
YB: Yeah, can you remember that song?
Student: (—-)
YB: Sing, sing, sing, sing.
(Students singing song)
YB (talks over): Hah, she taught me that song. This is the song of the Guru Nanak sung by self-realization fellowship. Remember that?
(Students stop singing)
One day I went to that shrine and brought that book and I read that song. You are the bubble, I am the bubble, you are all… Something like that. We are the bubbles, we are the wind, we are creating, we are moving, we are living, we are alive, we are afraid, we are scared, we do not know we love, we want love, we want hugs, we get bugs, it’s all going on, it’s all around us, it is unending, endless end, that I hate to see. I don’t know you are rich or poor, you are beautiful or ugly, you are great or small that’s not my proposition. My pain is, when it becomes endless end, then the most precious gift of life is lost. Whenever that shell is eaten, that meat is eaten without forming the pearl, a pearl is lost and that pearl is beautiful, it can be priceless, it’s a center of energy.
Siri Ved Kaur you can come in and you can listen to my lecture, it’s good. Hah, thank you for coming.
That shell, that meat is a energy but when that shell is opened, meat is eaten, it’s, it’s a energy, again energy but the pearl is not formed and pearl can only be formed, either artificially through Guru‘s grace, through conscious hand, a sand is introduced, the Japanese do, they are expert on it or through natural hand, a sand is introduced into the shell and then around that irritation of compassion, kindness and consciousness, that meat, that energy moves and it forms the pearl.
You have natural pearl, you have soft water pearl, you have sea pearl, you have hard water pearl, you have, call it anything, rest is all qualifications, grading and pricing and business, do anything but fact is a fact. It is that blue pearl of consciousness, people, yogis love, live to, look to and what I am saying to you with all the sins and all the nonsense and all the emotions and all the admissions and the compassion and the doing and the not doing what matters, it doesn’t matter, isn’t the life that matters, it is the courage you bring to it, it’s the anchor. If your anchor is God and Guru‘s word,Guru‘s words are anchor, it keeps the God in your heart, seated, planted and residing and presiding and it goes on, that’s the truth. When somebody writes one poem, they feel great, when Guru Arjun compiled the Siri Guru Granth, the word of the men who were with God or the God who was with through this men, put it anyway you want and all he said is,
‘Tayraa keetaa jaato naahee maino jog keetoee.’
I cannot say your doing, I cannot explain your doing but you made it possible for me, thank you.
‘Mai nirgun haare koiee gunn naahee aape taras piayoee.’
I was without merits, I didn’t have any merit but it was your mercy, your kindness that I could be so.
‘Taras Peyo Meharmath Hoee Sat Guru Sajjan Melaya.’
It was such kind act of you that I met the true Guru, the friendly Guru.
‘Nanak Nam Miley Tha Jeeva, Tann Mann Theeve Hareya.’
Nanak, if the name of God, the praise of God, dwells in me, if I get that, my mind and my body becomes everlasting green and that is the message of the Christmas tree. In the wilderness of the snow, miles and miles and miles, you don’t see a green thing, except this tree. In the frozen sense of death, which you cut it down anyway, I said once, “Christmas tree told the God, why you named me so, every year they cut me down, they don’t let me grow.”
Side B
… So idea of Christmas tree was not to cut it and bring in the house and make it our business, idea was the Christmas tree was grown and always in the front of a home and on that day people used to decorate it and celebrate it, the family put present and sit around and feel the cold and then still feel the life and we used to pay a tribute in a attitude, well that was a hope. It was not meant to be cut down and sold for sixteen dollars and brought into the room and decorated and cookies sold and all that jazz you do and that was never the idea. Things have changed and there is a lot to learn, from where we have started, what we, everything which was meant full or meaningful or purposeful or educating or reminder or telling us has become a ritual, has become meaningless. It has, so the word spoken by us are meaningless but when we speak word and which are meaningless, hypothalamus become meaningless, (?) did get the same signals. That it was I was studying for reading Gurbani, we get all the positive signal for same things we get the negative signals. Our balance sheet is in a deficit. But when we recite mantra, Har, Har Hare, Har Har Wahe Guru, it’s one of the best five words in the world, can change your destiny, change your luck, change your misfortune to fortune. What it’s five words, Har, Har, Wa He Guru, five words, no big deal. If that can do that but if you do other words, also they can do the same. Because tongue does not produce energy, tongue creates a rotation, tongue creates a permutation and combination on the hypothalamus meridian points, on the upper palate.
When you talk sweetly, the whole world is yours, they say, “Zabaan Sheri, Mulk Geeri” it means your projectivity, your personality can be great. You have a as a human being, you have a unlimited strength. You are infinite, your journey of life is also infinite but it can end, being endless. If you don’t experience that pearl you are just a meat and just a shell. That’s the relationship of you and God. God is not going anywhere, you are not going anywhere, simply you are going to circulate without achieving, what you came to achieve. I am no good to you, I am not bad to you either. I am no good to you because you are not agreeing with me, you are not listening to me, I am not bad either, at least twice a week I remind you. That’s not bad.
I hope one day you will wake up and I hope one day you wake up as I woke up. The problem in thinking that you, there is another thinking, you think I am such a super duper human being that you can do anything to me and I have no reaction. Hallelujah, I never knew about that, but I have been told this morning, that’s my problem. You can abuse me, you can abuse about me, you can lie about me, you can say things about me, I am not supposed to react. I have to go above it. All right I am above it, then what is down. So I should not talk to you and tell you, you are spreading nonsense? Or you are talking nonsense or you are nonsense, I should not say that? I should not, I should not work on my own theory? Poke, provoke, confront and elevate. You want me be down, agreed, you think I can never come down but once a while come up.
(Students’ laughter)
Be with me. Just forgive, just be compassionate, just be conscious that my feeling is that doesn’t matter what anybody is doing. If they are doing what they are doing, I should be doing, what I have to do. My behavior structure is it doesn’t matter what you feel, it does matter what you should feel. It doesn’t matter what you say or you want to say, it does matter what actually you will say and should be saying. When the conscious intelligence, conscious and intelligence puts the discipline in your tongue, that’s the day, you become a human. It is not the beauty which is beauty, it’s not the beauty which is beautiful, it’s the duty performed with a beauty which is beautiful. As a human, you have a beauty, as a human to enjoy that beauty, that shine of the pearl, the performance of the self, you have to have a discipline of your own self, within yourself.
Love is an experience of oneself within oneself it comes true. What I said is the gospel truth, it will always, will live whether you can relate to it or not, this is your performance. Your attribution and contribution in life is you are a shell, you are a meat and you have to perform that pearl and that is the essence, you can create, you can think about it, you can feel about it because that is the God, what that God wants to be created by you, that pearl.
I am not worried, how negative you are, I am worried, why that equal positivity is not created and connected. It doesn’t matter how insane people are, it does matter how what sense we make. It doesn’t matter how many divorces are there, it does matter how many marriages will continue. It doesn’t matter how potently sexual you are, it does matter if you are impotent. What to do about that? It does matter what weakness is, it doesn’t matter what strength is. Strength is a gift, which can be shared, weakness is a point, which has to be covered. Those who cover their weaknesses and others weaknesses are only who know God and they shall always sit by the right side and God shall always be proud of such creations.
We will continue tomorrow, those who command in the name of God, shall also obey in the name of God, and may the…
(Students singing, ‘May the longtime sunshine upon you…’)
YB: Guide your way on. Hey, Mexican have transferred that flower of the rain in Spanish and they sang right, we have it on the tape, we have to give that tape and let people know okay and I am very surprised that they sang it so good that I understood every word of it. The words were important music was just substitute, okay? Can you sing and I can see it, it’s a, it’s a best performance of tonight. Yeah, since in English and may I in English, not in Spanish and may I know that you will not blunder this time. May I have that promise? Ready? Come on, what, what kind of music is that, you, you know the words? Man is the best instrument and human conscious is the best strength, okay?
(Students singing song)
YB (talks over): Everybody. Sing a song. Hey you guys in the mirror I am seeing you, hey you, shame on you, sing. See I can look at that. This song takes away the death, fear of death from us, so beautiful, sing it, just verbalize it. That is the truth.
(Students stop singing)
It’s very beautiful song and I am very proud and my pride shall never have a fall. These songs came to people because of their risen consciousness, their risen Cherdi Kala, their risen Kundalini. We have so many beautiful songs and you know what a song is? Song is a conscious ecstasy, it’s a combination between soul, mind and body, when a man becomes totally a crystal clear and gets to God or becomes God and we have so many beautiful songs and the word, the understanding of the song is so pure, so powerful, that is the best mega B-complex super dose, very relaxing. I just had a situation where somebody was so disturbed, so painful and asked for a help. I said, the immediate help is call the doctor and meanwhile the doctor came, meanwhile, it all happened. I put thatShabad,
‘Dukaling pranasee dayaling saroope, sada ang sanghe babam boothe, Chakar chakra varti, chakarchakra bhugte.’
And it was loud enough and it was relayed on telephone. By the time the situation was medically attended, the person was calm, quiet, pain was gone the palpitation of heart was calmer. It’s a orthodox gimmick but it worked. Illogical spiritual nonsense but it effectively took care of it. And our modern view is, anything, which is religion is totally wrong, it doesn’t exist, it should not be practiced, idealistically not real. And look the fun, this religion is the science of reality to understand within oneself, ones own reality, that’s what religion is, not rituals, not this, not that, it’s a experience, it’s a science of experience to know your own reality, know your own strength, it should give you and specially in this modern time, when there is a so much stress and tension and negativity and it gives you the power to find your own pearl, it gives you the power to find your own anchor, it gives you the power to find your own depth. It’s real. Otherwise, the shallowness will make lot of noise and you will be knocking as that bean Mexican bean jumps and creates and hits the wall, you will be just hitting the walls and I don’t see anything else than you doing it but I know, you can stop all that. I know you can excel, I have an experience that one can excel. It’s possible. It’s not a lie, it’s a truth, that you can excel, if you want to. It’s not a vivid idea, it’s not a idea which I stole from somebody, it is something we have seen in last fifteen years, in the human laboratory seeing and working and taking it and going through it and turning upside down and letting things turn up and down, I understand and I hope you understand. We will talk about God and you, you and God and the command and the obey.
We will meet tomorrow again, thank you for coming, it’s a blissful week, God be with you. What they say? Adios, adios.
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