Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Your Stories
Guru Nanak is regarded by the Sikhs and many others as a Messenger of God, an enlightened Teacher, a champion of human dignity and peace among faiths, and a brilliant spiritual Light for all humanity.…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Legacy Organizations
Five centuries after the passing of Guru Nanak, his words still resonate with his followers. Let's take a look at 10 of his teachings that make sense to this day.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Bani
We honor the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji by sharing an extensive library of his teachings. Visit the Light of Guru Nanak content library to access these teachings today…
Posted by SatKirin Kaur Khalsa& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Shabad Guru, Videos
Satkirin Kaur shares her wisdom on Bhand Jamee-ai for a Spirit Voyage 40-Day Global Sadhana Honoring the Divine Feminine.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Shabad Guru
Guru Nanak gave you this shabad so that your inner conflict may always be resolved by your own grace. If a man reads it, his inner conflicts with a woman are dissolved; if woman reads it, her inner conflict shall be dissolved.…
Posted by SatKirin Kaur Khalsa& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Shabad Guru
Guru Nanak Dev ji gave us a very important technology through the shabad. "This shabad has a complete naad (sound pattern) to create and trigger the Aad (primary spirituality) in any woman who shall do the jaapa of this Shabad.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Gurpurbs
Guru Nanak sought to elevate the status of women in Sikhism. Guru Nanak insisted that women deserve the same treatment as men. The holy scriptures of Sikhism state that women are entitled to the same rights and privileges as men, and women are allowed to lead congregations, as well as serve as spiritual leaders in…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Sikh History, Videos
Guru Nanak’s message was ahead of his time, and he was considered a revolutionary activist. Guru Nanak espoused equality for all, gender empowerment, service to others, an honest living, devotion to the environment, and belief in One God. This documentary interweaves Guru Nanak's life, and how his spiritual legacy is carried out today by outstanding…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Shabad Guru
The Slok brings self-satisfaction, elevation, acknowledgment, and respect to those who practice it. Through the efforts of many wonderful volunteers, from countries across the globe, we have translations of Japji Sahib in many languages. This page contains links to the translation of the Slok of Japji Sahib in 20 languages.…
Posted by Miri Piri Academy& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Around the World, Community, Gurpurbs, Your Stories
Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism, spread the truth of 'Ek Ong Kar,' we are one with the creator. His birth anniversary every year is widely celebrated, but this year was a little different, being the 550th birthday. Sikh sangat members from all over the world celebrated by going to Sultanpur Lodi, where…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
When we recite Jap Ji, the sound vibration and where the tongue hits meridians in the mouth is that ‘code’ that initiates a shift in us and creates that consciousness of Nanak within us.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Gurpurbs, Sikh Art Corner
This great celebration for Guru Nanak Dev Ji, serves as a reminder of our respect and love for thee. Five hundred and fifty years ago the start. Teaching humility and devotion with an open heart.…
Posted by Snatam Kaur& filed under Bani, Shabad Guru, Videos
Snatam Kaur answers your questions about Japji Sahib in this free live stream class presented by Spirit Voyage. …
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Legacy Organizations, Sikh History
Guru Nanak was traveling, spreading the Nectar of Truth throughout the world. He travelled with his two friends: Bala and Mardana. Mardana said to Guru Nanak, “Guru Ji, we are always in the jungles, can we find a village to stay in? Maybe some people will be kind enough to host us . . .…
Posted by Guru Prakash Kaur Khalsa& filed under Dharmic Education
The 25th Paurī (bahutā karam) is well known for bringing wealth, gifts and prosperity, and yet the Siri Singh Sahib Jī taught my mother and many others the importance of also reciting the 38th Paurī (jat pāhārā) to bring oneself to a state of higher consciousness; to gracefully handle and sustain the wealth and prosperity gained from…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Bani, Shabad Guru, Your Stories
The poetic divine bani of Guru Nanak Dev Ji touches my heart, and his enlightened personality is revealed to me. I value the precious gift he has imparted us. The precious jewels he possessed he gave us all freely and unconditionally. We are so fortunate that he has dedicated his whole life to us, imparting…
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