In Itself, It has
Never been born.
Excerpt from Siri Singh Sahib Lecture on 11/26/1989 – “Why are We Sikhs?”
…”By reciting it (Gurbani), Guru Nanak became Guru Nanak. Otherwise there was nothing. Nanak would have remained just Nanak. He became Guru Nanak by reciting Gurbani, and that is why Gurbani says: “Bani Guru, Guru Hei Bani, Vich Bani Amrit Saaray.” All the nectars are in it. Why not to recite something which gives you the totality and the infinity? And when you say: “Ik Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad. Ik Ong Kar Sat Nam Karta Purakh Nirbhao Nirvair Akal Moorat Ajoonee Saibhang Gur Prasaad Jap Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Heibhee Sach Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach.” It is a typewriter. It is a permutation and combination between the upper palate and the tongue. And as you start reciting Gurbani, with that aspect, watching your conscious movements of your tongue (“lingam” they call it) and the upper palate (the “akasha”) once that meets, and permutation and combination starts happening, there’s nothing.
Some people say they want instant effect. The very instant effect is, you sit down calmly for few minutes. That’s instant. It’s right away. And then some people say: “It is in Gurmukhi. We do not know.” Well, it is a challenge. It is a challenge which you must meet. Somebody asked me, “Why I have to read in Gurmukhi?” I said, “Why you have to learn typewriter? Don’t. Write with your hand.” You have to learn piano, you have to press the keys. You have to play harmonium, you have to press the keys. You have to bring harmony, and that eternal spiritual harmony is secreted — sacredly secreted in Gurbani.”
…”You talk Gurbani, you don’t recite Gurbani. That’s the difference. That’s why we sing Gurbani, that’s why bani is in music, that’s why bani cleanses us. Through that cleanliness… through that cleanliness, God is cleaning us. We find out own reality. In this life, not to find one’s own reality is a very harsh experience. It is a self-denial. That’s why Guru said: “Homai vadaa rog hei, daaru vis maaeh.” Ego is the biggest problem, biggest disease. Ego has solution in it, because if you apply your ego to find your reality, you will find it.
It is my prayer and wish that you will understand what Guru Nanak has said: “Amrit velaa sach nao vadeeaaee veechaar. Karamee aavai kaparaa naderee moak duaar. Naanak ayvai jaaneeai sabh aape sacheeaar.” The God, the knower of all truth, knower of all knowledge knows it, and Naanak knows if he rises in the ambrosial hour, recites the Gurbani, the sacredness will cover secretly all the totality of the man and his affairs.”
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