Control of Mind, Body and Soul


Excerpt from the February 12, 1986 class with Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan in Los Angeles, USA

“Actually, reality is we decorate our body to attract.  We use it as a bait.   We have never sacredly respected this body. It’s a truth. Using the body as a bait; having absolutely no mind with it.  Because we use mental energy to play games; use body as a bait; ignore our soul.  That’s a one common pattern of ordinary human being.  And when we do all that, what comes out of it, is nothing but a commotional relationship.  And the outfit of that is, that we do things, but we don’t understand them. In this realism, we grow. It is a very sad story of that man who is born in the image of God. Use body, decorate body, serve body, beautify body, to use it as a bait. Mind, which is the most sensitive energy, is not used to collaborate the purpose of life, but mind is used to play games. Soul, the base, the cornerstone, is totally ignored.

The five vayus; the pranic vayu, the udayan, the abman and all that, have to have a combination.

There are two ways to go in your life; one is go and get it; one is to be and get it; one is to develop your radiant body, that everything will come to you; one is to develop your physical body to go for everything; and the best way is to develop your radiant body and your physical body, that you can have perfect balance. The car which cannot have any reverse gear is much worse than one who only can go in reverse and not forward. The car which can only have a forward gear, one, two, three, four gear, has no reverse gear, is very difficult to drive.

So basically the stimulation of one who thinks body is; who thinks mind is; who thinks soul is.  It is being considered that your body, your mind and soul is totally yours. You take it as granted. That’s not true. Soul is dormant, but it’s there. Mind is excellent, but it’s there.  Its excellence is never used. Body is the shell; it is there; it is never activated. I am starting the series from today where I would like to activate the Hatha and the Sushmana, through a pure physical force.

….You all want the body to serve you and you do not even serve it. The body will be just like that car, who you do not want to serve, it will be out of tune and it will start knocking and ultimately, it will just fail you in the middle of the road.  There is no different story of life than that. With my prayers and blessing, may the longtime sunshine upon you…”

The yoga portion of this video starts here.

Read more about and listen to Jai Te Gang, which was played in this lecture. Jai Ta Gang was written by Guru Gobind Singh and when you sing this shabad, it expands your radiant body.

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    • OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:

      Sat Nam. We are glad to hear about your experience! Each time you practice a kriya or meditation, you may have a different experience. You may also wish to find a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher in your area to take in person classes to further your study of Kundalini Yoga. And there are many more classes with Yogi Bhajan on the Library of Teachings website (, so you may benefit from participating in others as well. In general, in the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, we practice something for 40 days to change a habit, 90 days to confirm the new habit, 120 days for the new habit to become who you are and 1000 days to master the new habit. Sat Nam. Many blessings to you.

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