This content was originally shared by Seva Corps.
Siri Nidhan Kaur (Spain): An inspiring Sevadar serving in pandemic times by offering meditation at a hospital in Spain to support those who are at the frontline of COVID-19.
COVID-19 has spread out to several places and brought many opportunities to review our lifestyle and values. People around the world are mobilizing to serve those in need of support and comfort.
At the beginning of the pandemic, some months ago (end of March), the video of a medical team chanting the Ek Ong Kar mantra in a hospital went viral on social networks. This medical team is from the University Hospital Fundación Alcorcón, located in the metropolitan area of Madrid, one of the virus epicenters in Europe. The meditation has been conducted by Siri Nidhan Kaur, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher who also works at this hospital in the diagnostic imaging service.
After this video began to circulate on social media, Siri Nidhan was told this could be her opportunity to leave the hospital and devote herself to teaching kundalini yoga. Her answer was, “I don’t intend to do so. No. Because this is my place of work. I want to be here and serve, I will continue to offer KY at the hospital if people want it. I want to offer this service to my coworkers so that they can feel and experience the same I do and also for them to be able to treat their patients accordingly.”
In a conversation, she speaks a little more about this Seva.
Watch the full video with subtitles for more information about who @sirinidhan is, how she started to offer the Kundalini Yoga practice at the hospital, and how she made this beautiful Seva a reality, and what were the challenges she had to face to continue to provide support to others.
“When you meditate and do Yoga, you put yourself in the patients’ position, you treat them differently.”
What does Seva mean to you, Siri Nidhan Kaur?
“In these moments of the pandemic, in which we all have needed help, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, I have realized we can also do Seva with a good attitude, with our disposition, with the desire to collaborate even when we feel without strength. To serve is an invitation to help and uplift each other. You serve with your presence, with your attitude and respect.
Seva is a compassionate gesture when you greet your co-worker who you see worried or grumpy. To serve is to smile at a suffering patient. To serve is to get up in the morning and patiently help your children prepare for a new day at school. Seva is a daily attitude, something that happens every day and of which we are not aware because it became part of you.
Many simple actions can help people around us, and if we observe the benefits they produce in others and ourselves, we will perform them more often.
Seva, if I have to define it in a few words, I’ll stick with it: Attitude, Smile, Give and Uplift”.
Let Yourself be Inspired by Her Service!
About Seva Corps:
Our mission is to engage the communities worldwide in the sacred duty of selfless service, cultivating a clear presence and network of communities and sharing what is already happening.
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