“That is the highest Sadhana; that your presence should remind people of God. What a bigger and more powerful miracle than that can be, that by your very presence, you can invoke Godhood in people.” Yogi Bhajan, 8/1/82
I remember the time I committed to doing Sadhana to grow myself as a spiritual person. It was sometime in the 1970’s and the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan had come to town to lead White Tantric Yoga. We were standing during the Ardas in Gurdwara on Sunday and I recall looking around the room and seeing all these people dressed in white with turbans on. As was customary at that time, there were people from all over the country that had come to take the course and spend time with the Siri Singh Sahib.
I remember looking at the Siri Singh Sahib and thinking, ‘wow, what a great man that he had inspired all these people to live spiritual lives’. At that moment, I felt a great wave of inspiration and determination and said to myself, ‘I am going to do Sadhana’. Just at that moment the Siri Singh Sahib turned and looked at me to acknowledge the commitment and “seal the deal”.
So it is that commitment, made decades ago before Siri Guru Granth Sahib and in the presence of a great Master, that has sustained my practice through all the ups and downs of life. Through periods of prosperity and times of relative scarcity, through robust health and sickness, and through periods of great joy and times of personal tragedy – one thing has been constant, I was going to honor that commitment to do Sadhana, made a long time ago and sealed with a glance from the Siri Singh Sahib.
In Chardi Kala, Sat Want Singh Khalsa, Herndon, VA, USA
20 years of Chanting to Guru Ram Das
Sometimes we can see a change of consciousness in the smallest of things. That’s what happened to me with a cruddy, light appliance fixture we had in our bathroom.
The year was 1995 and Meher Kaur and I had gotten very inspired by the example of the Herndon community hosting nightly chanting to Guru Ram Das to bring more light to their community.
So on June 30th 1995, we started Friday chanting to Guru Ram Das at our house. That’s when the light fixture started to bug me. It was a cheap fixture we had over our bathroom mirror that had gotten rusty. It had never bothered me, before but now it did. Sangat (sacred community) was coming each Friday and that changed everything. So, we had it replaced.
More than a thousand Fridays later, it is the same thing – Sangat is coming and the devotion of the devotees needs to be matched by a welcoming environment.
Chanting to Guru Ram Das is a very unique practice. Sadhana is hard. Getting there is the true beauty of it. Yoga classes are meant to be hard to test one’s grit. Gurdwara is easier. But the easiest of them all is chanting to Guru Ram Das.
Each Friday, we would sit and chant and after it was over, many times Meher Kaur and I would talk about the alchemy we had just witnessed. Guru Ram Das is the master healer and we have seen through that mantra, so much healing.
We encourage people to start a night of chanting. It will bring Guru’s alchemy to your community, to yourselves and to your homes. It has certainly done that for us.
From Soul Singh and Meher Kaur Khalsa – Phoenix, AZ USA
Origin of Guru Ram Das Chanting
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Assembled and submitted by Jot Singh on behalf of ‘the team’ at MorningSadhana.org.
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