A Tribute to the Teacher and His Teachings

Siri Wuaje

The kundalini yoga community in Cuba is happy to share this painting of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan with the international Sangat. The creative force and love that inspired this artwork came after meeting the Teacher in one of his videos about human excellence. The Cuban people had never seen Yogi Bhajan before and they were impressed by his personality and his words. His teachings helped to promote service in Cuba and the desire to elevate people by touching every heart.

Here is what one of the Cuban Community Members says about it:

“The artwork was created 2 years before the Guru blessed us by providing the teacher training for 28 students. The art project started as a way to connect with the Infinite and create the prosperity to produce the resources to pay for the teacher training. That was our thought at the beginning, but time passed and the Guru sent a teacher trainer, it was completed as a seva. That way we understood what prosperity is. We didn’t need money and all was a gift of the Infinite.”

The artist Gabriel Coto was born in 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and since 1974, now resides in Havana, Cuba. He studied art from 1985 to 1992 and he graduated in drawing and painting from the San Alejandro Academy in Havana. He has participated in international exhibitions in Spain, Germany and Mexico. A highlight of his career as an artist is his integral participation in the project of Art and Conservation of the Sierra Chinanteca, Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2007.

Currently Gabriel Coto is part of a community development project for the education of children in rural areas of Cuba. This group of Cuban artists inspire human values in the youth through painting, theater, music and science.

Kundalini yoga and Sikh Dharma values have been a support for Gabriel and the Cuban Kundalini Community through many challenges and as a way to find freedom, awareness and peace in life.

three pics of Gabriel Coto

This  original, 5×6 ft. oil on canvas was graciously given to SDI to share with the global sangat. It is a tribute to the teacher and his teachings that truly encapsulates the spirit of seva and simran the Cuban Kundalini Community has embraced since their introduction to Yogi Bhajan.

Sikh Dharma International is honored to share this example of spirit and love that the Siri Singh Sahib’s teachings continue to inspire around the world.

We are committed to sharing this gift from Gabriel Coto and the Cuban community with the world. If you would like a 5.5 x 8.5 in. postcard sent to you in the mail, please send a request to dasvandh@sikhdharma.org

To learn more about the kundalini yoga program in Cuba, visit the Adi Shakti Cuba Facebook Page or write to adishakticuba@gmail.com.

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