Posted by Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Cortesía del boletín #63 del Ministerio de Sikh Dharma, Primavera 2017
Por SS Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa, Santa Fe NM
Primavera 2017
Ahora es 2017. Las cosas han evolucionado y continúan evolucionando minuto a minuto. Somos tan modernos que tenemos que ponernos al corriente cada mañana para mantenernos al día con…
Posted by Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa& filed under Bana, Ministry
by SS Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa, Santa Fe NM
Courtesy of the Sikh Dharma Ministry Newsletter #63 Spring 2017 Newsletter
It is now 2017. Things have evolved and continue to evolve minute by minute. We are so modern that we have to update every morning to keep up with the times. One…
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