Category: Siri Singh Sahib Ji

Siri Singh Sahib Birthday

SSS 64th Birthday Party August 28, 1993 Espanola, NM We are Americans and we are here from last twenty-five years. Our proportion of losing children to drugs and to other activities has increased by thirty-seven percent. Our tragedies with our ladies excuse me, we feel the, it is a year of the woman and everything is

The Subtle Art of Giving

Excerpted from a Gurdwara Lecture by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan A simple line: What dirt we are talking about? We become short-sighted. And what is long-sighted? Long-sighted is that intuitive self in which a person has personal confidence. This world is a mirage, and because of this mirage many people temporarily
SSS Smiling

Potent Pakoras

Submitted by Siri Ved Kaur in Beads of Truth Winter, 1978 Receipe created by Siri Singh Sahib Ji Potent Pakoras Batter  3 cups besan (garbanzo flour), 2 1/2 cups water, 4T onion powder, 3T garlic powder, 2 1/2 T ginger powder, 2 T ajwan (oregano seeds), 1 1/2 T ground black

Siri Singh Sahib ~ Dasvandh Lecture

Siri Singh Sahib Jii 12/31/1987 “There’s a word in Sikh Dharma and it’s a very beautiful word, It’s called Bheta. Bheta means offering. Charity or Dhan means what you give. Dhan means charity. Dhan, you give to the lower than you. Dhan you give to the needy. Charity you do with the needy or you share with others. Bheta is, you