Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Community, HGRD Events, Meditation, Prayer
On October 9 from 4am to 7am Malaysian time (October 8 afternoon in the US), the Malaysian Sangat will host a special sadhana in honor of Guru Ram Das Ji.
The Chilean Sangat invites you to meditate with them during this Miracle Season!
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Meditation, Prayer, Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
From November 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025, Sikh Dharma International is coordinating a daily global meditation for peace (a 90-day meditation).
During this 90-day period, different geographic areas have signed up to lead the 31-minute meditation on the same day each week at a time that works best for their local Sangat…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Meditation, Ministry, Prayer
by SS Nam Nidhan Kaur Khalsa, Santiago, Chile, as shared in the first quarter 2024 ministry newsletter.
For a few decades now, the internet has opened the doors to homes and hearts around the world. It has shown us the beauty, as well as the ignorance, dreams and aberrations, that are common…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Community, Events, HGRD Events, Music, Prayer
Hacienda de Guru Ram Das (HGRD), the "Mother Ashram" hosts a weekly Sunday Gurdwara Program from 11:00am to 1:00pm (US/ Mountain Time).
This event is streamed through the HGRD YouTube channel.
Visit to find your time zone.
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Dharmic Education, Ministry, Prayer
Our Ardas is an elevation and a standing to our Khalsa values, and victory of the spirit. Ardas offers a deep sense of continuity of these values, of honoring the past, standing together in the present, and facing the future with confidence in and calling upon God and Guru.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Dharmic Education, Prayer, Publications
Some of the below information is excerpted from the book Victory & Virtue: Ceremonies & Code of Conduct of Sikh Dharma (2nd Edition)
The word "Ardas" literally means "prayer." But the traditional Sikh Ardas has come to represent a specific form of prayer recited in every Gurdwara program.
It is recited…
Posted by SatKirin Kaur Khalsa& filed under Bani, Prayer, Shabad Guru
The words describe an incredible imagery of the vastness of life and Creation. The effect of contemplating on these words in song is a sublime meditation for me. Like a meditative portrait of God and creation, it carries me to my Infinite soul. Even now when I sing these words, I feel a deep sense…
Posted by SatKirin Kaur Khalsa& filed under Meditation, Music, Prayer, Shabad Guru
Once upon a time there lived an elephant who was the king of the elephants. He used to swim across the river to reach a temple where he would place a flower on God's alter.…
Posted by Nirvair Singh& filed under 05-Guru Arjan, Dharmic Education, Legacy Organizations, Prayer
Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice for personal transformation. It works swiftly to energize your whole system and, through you, impact your total environment. This feature is dedicated to highlighting the essential skills and fundamental principles of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®. It will serve to focus and refine your daily practice…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Prayer
"Martin Luther King Junior . . . is the pride of America. He gave this country the integrity of peace and love for equality of human. You can't match that." -Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan…
Posted by Sat Purkh Kaur Khalsa& filed under Our Authors, Prayer, Your Stories
We stood outside the facilities in McAllen, Texas, in the parking lot across the road, and looked at the United States flag that was flying in the courtyard. I’ve never been particularly prayerful, as a child I refused to say my evening prayers before bed. That’s still my innate response to anyone asking me to…
Posted by GuruKirin Kaur Khalsa& filed under Dharmic Education, Prayer, Shabad Guru
Akhand Paths are the continual recitation of the entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib, which normally takes 72 hours of nonstop reading. Many Gurdwaras around the world practice these Akhand Paths regularly. …
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under Legacy Organizations, Meditation, Prayer, Sikh Dharma Technology, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
Excerpt from a Commentary by Gurucharan Singh, originally published in The Inner Voice, February 1991 and revised October 2001
Ang is 'a part'. Sang is 'in every,' or 'with every'. Wahe is 'the indescribable living ecstasy of Infinite Being'. Guru is 'the knowledge that transforms your mind, emotion and essence.' The whole phrase means,…
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