Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, and a light Neck Lock.
Mudra: Left hand is in Ravi Mudra (thumb tip and Sun (ring) finger touch; fingernails don’t touch) at the level of the ear, palm facing forward. The right hand is in Buddhi Mudra (thumb tip and Mercury (little) finger touching, resting in the lap, palm up.
Eye Focus: The eyes are 1/10 open.
Breath: Make the breath long and deep.
Time: Start with 11 minutes and work up to 31 minutes.
To End: Inhale deeply, raise the arms up overhead, open the fingers wide, and shake them rapidly for several minutes. Relax.
About this Meditation
This is one of five meditations taught by the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan specifically to prepare for “the grey period of the planet and to bring mental balance.” Practice this meditation to gain a calm mind and strong nerves. It will help protect you from irrational behavior.
Meditation images courtesy of Kundalini Mobile.
Source manual for this meditation: I Am a Woman: Creative, Sacred & Invincible
I Am a Woman: Essential Kriyas for Women in the Aquarian Age
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan always said that the Women’s Teachings were the key to the Aquarian Age . . . here is your resource to open that door!
This yoga manual, that accompanies the “I am Woman” reader, has been organized by topic so that you can focus on a particular discipline within your own practice, generate weekend workshops for your students, or create an entire curriculum for an in-depth experience of the women’s teachings over time. Each chapter includes a vigorous kriya or two, several meditations and a mantra/sound-current practice to connect to you to the Shabad Guru and the divine within.
‘I Am a Woman’ is available to purchase through the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI)
Dr. Krishna Kaur Khalsa says:
I can vouch for this meditation (Meditation for Strong Nerves). I’ve used it many times to get me through those “dark times”. It is super simple but has a powerful impact.