Category: Meditation

Sat Narayan Wahe Guru Hari Narayan Sat Nam

From November 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025, Sikh Dharma International is coordinating a daily global meditation for peace (a 90-day meditation). During this 90-day period, different geographic areas have signed up to lead the 31-minute meditation on the same day each week at a time that works best for their local Sangat
Sat Narayan - square

Global Celebrations for Siri Singh Sahib Ji’s Birthday

Hail, Hail Guru Ram Das and Heal the World! Hail, Hail Guru Ram Das and Heal the World! Hail, Hail Guru Ram Das and Heal the World! Sangats across the globe are joining together for the annual celebrations for the birthday of our beloved Teacher, the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan.  Here
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Daily HGRD Aquarian Sadhana

Hacienda de Guru Ram Das (HGRD), the "Mother Ashram" hosts daily Aquarian Sadhana. This event is streamed through the HGRD YouTube channel. The schedule is as follows (US/Eastern time zone): 3:40 am Japji Sahib 4:00 am Kundalini Yoga 4:45 am Aquarian Chanting 6:00 am Gurdwara