Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, and a light Neck Lock.
Mudra & Movement: Bring hands approximately 6-8 inches in front of your face, palms flat and facing one another, fingers pointing toward the ceiling, and with approximately a 6-8 inch space between the palms. Elbows are relaxed down. With a very fast, powerful jerk, stretch the hands out until there is about 36 inches between the hands, and abruptly stop them. Then instantly the hands recoil back to the first position in front of the body. The stopping process will be so abrupt, done with such a powerful force, that you’ll find the hands, chest, shoulders and head jerking back and forth a little bit.
Mantra: Use the rhythm of the recording Tantric Har, or 1 movement per second. Do not sing aloud. On every HAR, stretch the arms with such a powerful force, just as if eleven hundred volts have hit you. Concentrate on the reaction in your chest.
Click Here to Stream Tantric Har from the SikhNet Gurbani Media Center
Eye Focus: Unspecified.
Time: 11 minutes.
End: Inhale and suspend the breath, but keep on doing the motion on the held breath for approximately 15 seconds. Exhale. Inhale again and continue the motion for approximately 10 seconds. Exhale. Inhale deeply, continue, holding for approximately 5 seconds. Relax.
About this Meditation
The chest area is called the Heart Chakra. This heavy jolt, as you spring your hands and arms apart, will cause a jerking reaction to your chest cavity, which will open up your Heart Center. Opening of your Heart Center cavity is opening up to your own Infinity. The navel area, the Third Chakra, is sometimes referred to as the agan granthi – the place from which all fire-related activities spring – food, digestion, breath, to name a few. When this center is locked, your ribcage can become out of place. Then the diaphragm doesn’t act right, and you lose one third of your life force. This meditation releases this lock and will open up the power of the Almighty within you. You must bring forth the entire power of your being, using a great force with the movement. In this way you will shock your subtle nervous system on the sound of Har. Through this meditation you can move the power of the ida and pingala, and open up the sushmuna.
Meditation images courtesy of Kundalini Mobile.
Source manual for this meditation: I Am a Woman: Creative, Sacred & Invincible
I Am a Woman: Essential Kriyas for Women in the Aquarian Age
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan always said that the Women’s Teachings were the key to the Aquarian Age . . . here is your resource to open that door!
This yoga manual, that accompanies the “I am Woman” reader, has been organized by topic so that you can focus on a particular discipline within your own practice, generate weekend workshops for your students, or create an entire curriculum for an in-depth experience of the women’s teachings over time. Each chapter includes a vigorous kriya or two, several meditations and a mantra/sound-current practice to connect to you to the Shabad Guru and the divine within.
‘I Am a Woman’ is available to purchase through the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI)
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