A Few Areas of Interest at the Ranch

The Meditation Garden was created by Yogi Bhajan’s students so that he could continue teaching at the Ranch. It was named the Bhagat-E-Zarat Garden by Yogi Bhajan, meaning Meditation Garden. Yogi Bhajan was born and raised until he was 16 in what is now Pakistan—it was at that time a part of India—where the architectural style was strongly influenced by the Persian culture. When the community asked Yogi Bhajan what kind of garden he would like, he said that he wanted it in the Persian style. He told us that after his passing, many people would come to this garden to pray and meditate.
A Plaque to honor his mother was installed by Yogi Bhajan. It is located outside his meditation Dome, near the Baba Siri Chand statue and fountain. Yogi Bhajan had a high regard for his mother and for motherhood.
“The most powerful prayer in the universe is the prayer of the mother.”
He taught that woman is the giver of all life. Therefore, those born of woman have to honor woman. He believed in honoring the divinity in all women and he taught that the Kundalini energy itself is feminine energy. If we want to experience Kundalini, we have to honor the divine feminine. He taught that honoring and revering women is the only path for the planet earth to survive.
“I believe that so long as those born of women do not respect women, there shall be no peace on Earth.”
The Estate was acquired in the 1990s from a neighbor who passed away. Yogi Bhajan kept the single-wide trailer intact, building the Estate home around it. The Estate house served as a home for entertaining and still does.
The Log Cabin was a private meditation room for Yogi Bhajan. It has unusual carved cougar heads on the outside wall.
The Our Lady of Guadalupe statue pays tribute to Northern New Mexico’s heritage. She and Quan Yin stand as a reminder to honor women and mothers.
“Woman is the molder. She is the molder of time, space, and of humanity: the human of tomorrow – the child; the human of today – the spouse; and the human of yesterday – the ancestors. The entire society, in theory and reality, is based on the spirit of woman.”
The many statues around the property are evidence of Yogi Bhajan’s respect for the essence of all religions. Meditating is an essential aspect of our lifestyle as Sikhs, and the Buddha statues and others serve as a beautiful reminder to meditate.
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