Reflections on the Thirty Fourth Paurī from JapJī Sāhib by Gurū Nānak

“The thirty-fourth Paurī brings stability.”

~ from the teachings of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan (1)

Reflections on the 34th Pauree from S.S. Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa:

Even though the term Dharam Khanḏ is not used until the 35th Paurī of Jap Jī Sāhib, in the 34th Paurī, Gurū Nānak gives his description of Dharam Khanḏ,  the realm of Dharma. In the realm of Dharma, what matters is that we learn. The Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan, used to say, “The Universe is a University.” Sikh simply means a seeker of truth, or a student. So the earth, this place where the Spirit comes into form, exists for the Naam, the Divine Identity, to learn.

We sometimes forget this. Our cultures tell us that the purpose of life is to get married and have children. Or to find love. Or to make a lot of money and be successful. Or to find fame. But the purpose of life is to learn. And the road of learning can happen one of two ways.

First Gurū Nānak says, “There are actions upon actions and we reflect on what we do.” The most fundamental way to learn is to do something and see how it turns out. To learn by time and space, through action and reaction. Learning will happen no matter what. Taking an action and seeing the consequences is a perfectly valid way for the Inner Being to learn. We may call this the path of karma. Action, reaction, reflection, learning. Karma can be a very painful and slow way to learn, but it does get the job done in time.

However, another way to learn exists. The path of Dharma. And the earth offers the human being a chance to learn through Dharma. Dharma comes when we surrender ourselves in devotion to the Creator. When we do the hard work of meditation to find our own Spirit, and live by Its intuitive guidance.

Then our actions do not provoke a reaction and a lesson. Rather, our actions come into Divine Alignment with the One Creative Force. And this grace of alignment, of intuitive flow, becomes the sign that someone truly walks the path of Dharma.

Gurū Nānak saw the planet earth as this teaching place. He recognizes that we learn by action and reaction, or by devotion and grace. He ends this Paurī with the most beautiful acknowledgement. That some Spirits are ripe or ready – those are the ones who choose the path of devotion and grace. While some spirits are not yet ripe.

And both of these types of Beings exist on the earth. It is part of the play. Some will learn through action and reaction. Others will learn through grace and devotion. Even in our own lives, each of us will have moments of ripeness, and moments of not being so ripe. Moments of grace and moments of consequences.  The Gurū in his wisdom provides paths for all.

Therefore, there is never a reason to judge. The lessons happen for everyone, in every situation. The way to see the earth is to accept it – to accept all of it, just like the True One does from the Highest Realm.

When we can live in that state of acceptance, of non-judgment, it gives us access to the Divine Court where the Creator also sees everything. Where the Creator does not condemn a Being, but rather guides It on the path of learning, whichever path that Being decides to take.


Nights, seasons, moon cycles, days.

Wind, water, fire and the underworld.

In the midst of this,

The Earth was established

As a place where Spirit could evolve

Into a Conscious Awareness of Itself


For that purpose,

The souls came through time and space

In such a variety of colors.

Those souls are so many,

They are countless.

There are actions upon actions

And we reflect on what we do.

Thou, oh Divine One,

Are True

And True

Is Your Royal Court

In which all is contained. 

In Your Royal Court,

Your devotees,

The ones who have found themselves within themselves,

Look beautiful.

Their actions flow from Grace

And this is the sign of You they carry.

The Not-Yet-Ripe

And the Ripe

Are both there

On the Earth.


Go and see it.

~ Gurū Nānak (poetically interpreted by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa)



(1) Yogi Bhajan, The Aquarian Teacher, 80

*This article was originally shared in a 40-Day Japji Sadhana hosted by Sikh Dharma International in partnership with other legacy organizations.

S.S. Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa

The year before Kundalini Yoga Master Yogi Bhajan, also known as the Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma, left his body, he personally worked with Ek Ong Kaar Kaur on a translation of Gurū Nānak’s Jap Jī Sāhib. In addition, he directed her to translate the writings of the Sikh masters into English. From those experiences, Ek Ong Kaar Kaur has developed a speciality in teaching Shabad Guru, the connection between Sikh Dharma and Kundalini Yoga, as well as an understanding of Humanology from the perspective of Gurbani. You can order Jap Jī Sāhib and other translations that she has done through She currently serves as the Program Manager for Visit her website at:

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