The 8 Stroke Breath for Energy and Stress Release

Originally taught on August 8, 1994

This pranayam brings your focus to your breath. It is said that practicing this pranayam every evening for eleven minutes can give you enough energy to balance your daily consumption of prana and take you out of stress.

Posture: Sit in any comfortable meditative posture with a straight spine, chin in, chest lifted.

Eyes: Close your eyes.

Breath: Concentrate on your breath. Inhale through the nose in eight equal strokes. Exhale through the nose in one deep and powerful stroke.

Time: Continue for 11 minutes.

To Finish: Inhale deeply, hold the breath 5-10 seconds, and exhale. Inhale deeply, hold the breath 15-20 seconds and roll your shoulders. Exhale powerfully. Inhale deeply, hold the breath 15-20 seconds, and this time roll your shoulders as fast as you can. Exhale and relax.

“The eight strokes will make you watch and count the breath and that will force you to relate to your breath. Best procedure is that you do this exercise every evening. Eleven minutes a day of eight-stroke breathing can give you enough energy to balance your (daily) consumption of (pranic) life and take you out of stress. Is it possible? Do you have eleven minutes?”  -Yogi Bhajan

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