The Infinity of the Earth

Image by Dwiari Anggaraluna from Pixabay.

Excerpted from a lecture given on June 27, 1992, in Ram Das Puri, New Mexico, U.S.A. by the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan

Mother Earth is like mother, heavenly father is like father and those who do not relate to Earth or to heavens have no horizon. And today with all the psychology, psychiatry, programs, governments, countries, religions, people are falling apart. The basic fundamental is gone; man does not have the capacity today and will not have. It’s not a prophecy, it’s a fact. To balance his heavens and his Earth. So sometimes we are extroverted, sometime we are introverted, sometimes we are very impressing, sometimes we are very depressing. It’s very funny. . .

Love is an Infinite sacrifice. Love is not which is limited. Love is God, God is love.

You experience God when you face Infinity of a challenge. When you obey the command of the Infinity of challenge, and you command yourself to produce the result, the peace is the call. It’s a call of the Infinity of the Earth.

‘Earth is falling apart. Mother is being raped. It’s a fact. And our heavens are not even matching up to it, we have lost the horizon. We are not talking about saving the spotted owl, we are not talking about saving the jobs, we are talking in reality of killing the Mother Earth, polluting our environments and leaving to our children tomorrow no jobs and no spotted owl and nothing. You see this shelter? We could have built anything we wanted to. We didn’t want to interfere with the ecology. We only gave the maximum requirement and the minimum deformation. Because you have to understand this is Age of Aquarius. Every two thousand years Mars and Jupiter cross under each other. Normally it goes unnoticed, nobody cares. It happened.

Now in twenty-one years of cusp, humanity is going through changes. Nobody can stop it. But if you cannot obey your consciousness, if you cannot command your totality,  if you cannot face the reality in you and in the environments and everywhere, you lose the ground faster than we expect it. I understand Brazil needs money to feed hungry mouths. Therefore, the only tragedy is that they got natural what you call those rain forests. So cut the rain forest. Now just understand the word rain forest. If they cut the forest that’s fine. When they cut the rain forest they are cutting the rain. Let me predict something to you funny. New Mexico shall be in next forty years a very lush land and the lush land shall be desert. And remember me, I said so. And remember me that it shall be true. And remember me you did it . . .

We are very slowly, consciously, totally bent upon killing the Earth . . .

God has a jet. It’s an air jet and it streams at a certain frequency and a certain angle. By shifting the ecology of the Earth, we are shifting the base of the jet stream. We will change the entire Earth to a disaster. I know those who have studied with me and those who are in my community do not know that I know. But I definitely know this. We are changing. We are not changing the timberland and water based land and the birds lands, we are not. We are selfish, greedy, blind, we are deaf and we are dumb and we are changing. But you do not know what we are changing to. We are changing to a disaster, which will be worse than any holocaust planet Earth went by. And there is no stopping. I mean to say it’s a joke. You can talk about it; we are so limited in our knowledge . . .

What the planet Earth has to do with it –  it is your mother, heavens are your father, heavens jet stream you have changed, Earth ecology you are changing, your horizons are freaking out and we are asking you for the sake of peace, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of future, for the sake of religion you practice, for the sake of your family you love, for the sake of anything and everything you do or nothing you do, do not bring this man-made disaster on us and our future as humanity. I am not standing here for any religion or any person. I am asking in the name of pure simple sense of humanity and you all can do it . . .

We have lost the touch of thinking, our right thinking. Please don’t worry about God, God shall take care of Himself, you should take care of yourself. God is a simple Infinity in all of you. I can understand if you all love to cut trees, but also for one tree you grow ten. I can understand that. I can understand you have the power in a restaurant to leave food. You leave on average one third of the food. All that food, which Americans leave and waste, all hungry people on this Earth can be given one meal . . .

It’s my hope, which I have never lost, it’s my prayer, which is automatic, it’s my peace, which is God’s gift to me that you all grow serving the Mother Earth and letting it live without shame and not polluting the existing of fatherly heavens and its ways and not blocking its jets forever.


Read the full lecture on The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings

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