Posted by Sat Bachan Kaur& filed under Around the World, Community, Events
Sat Bachan Kaur from Valdivia-Chile, shares about how this event was born in Chile and how is spreading around the world. An opportunity to celebrate and honor the power of prayer and healing of woman. …
Posted by Sat Bachan Kaur& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Sat Bachan Kaur de Valdivia-Chile, nos cuenta acerca de este evento que nació en Chile y que se está expandiendo alrededor del mundo. Una iniciativa para celebrar y honrar el poder femenino de la oración y sanación.…
Posted by Sat Bachan Kaur& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Cuando escuché por primera vez la corriente de sonido, el ritmo, la voz y la entonación, inmediatamente sentí una comodidad y familiaridad. Estaba especialmente enfocada en la recitación de los Paurees 28 y 29…
Posted by Sat Bachan Kaur& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Community, Your Stories
When I first listened to the sound current, the rhythm, the voice and the intonation, immediately I felt a coziness and familiarity. I was especially focused on the recitation of the 28th and 29th Paurees...…
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