Report by Nam Hari Singh
This year’s Men’s camp was blessed with a wave of new participants. Those friendly new faces made up for the fact that severals of our regulars had other engagements and did not show.
At the camp this year, everything was one notch higher: great food, great live music, morning sadhana remarkably powerful, and our four senior Teachers Guru Singh, Hari Singh, Guru Dev Singh and Sevak Singh masterfully interweaved each others classes giving us the experience of the unity of the Teachings.
Each man had a landmark comment about the camp: “so special to connect with nature” or “inspiring Teachings/Teachers” or “glad to finally meet so many conscious men” – to only name a few.
For my part, coming to the camp three years ago is what started the process of becoming a kundalini yoga teacher. This year’s camp left me with a vision, in the near or far future, of many men coming here to drink from the nectar of our own Divine Source.
Sat Nam
Nam Hari Singh
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