Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Sikh History
Mata Sahib Kaur holds a revered place in Sikh history as the "Mother of the Khalsa." Her unwavering faith, strength, and deep spiritual wisdom played a pivotal role in shaping the Sikh community. Mata Sahib Kaur’s legacy continues to inspire Sikhs worldwide.
The Mother of the Khalsa
Mata Sahib Kaur was married to Guru Gobind…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under 10-Guru Gobind Singh, Sikh Dharma Technology
When Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave birth to the Khalsa, he gave us the gift of reunion with our royal, divine essence. Upon creating the Khalsa, he elevated humanity to go beyond merely praising God, and gave an exact formula to experience God in ultimate radiance and royal stature.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
This event sets a precedent for the Dharma in Chile, now we know that Guru Ram Das Ashram is a place where we can find refuge and experience the spiritual sovereignty of the Khalsa Nation among the community, living in Chardi Khala, fearless and courageous, while facing any situation that Guru Ji might bring to…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Bani, Ministry, Sikh Dharma Technology, Sikh History
by SS Dr. Kirpal Singh Khalsa, Espanola NM
Winter 2017 SDI Ministry Newsletter
Jaap Sahib is Guru Gobind Singh’s Bani (sacred hymn) that uplifts the soul, gives the experience of infinity and expands the radiance of the human psyche. It is Gurbani, the Guru’s hymn, and recited in Naad, the sacred sound current.
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Music
Written by Livtar Singh Khalsa
Listen to the Khalsa Way:
Read the lyrics:
Long ago and far away
A man sat like a stone
On a burning seat of red-hot iron ...
To him it was a throne.
For he was Guru Arjan,
King of this world and…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Music, Sikh Dharma Technology
On February 13, 1977, Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan said this about Song of the Khalsa:
Mukhia Singh Sahib Livtar Singh, put our entire philosophy into one Song of the Khalsa, which we always sing with every prayer and in every congregation to remind ourselves that we must know who we are, what our…
Posted by SatKirin Kaur Khalsa& filed under Community, Shabad Guru, Sikh Dharma Technology
Would it surprise you if I told you that the people we surround ourselves with have a profound impact on us? Indeed, one of the most widely used sayings in the English language - you are the company you keep - dates as far back as Biblical times: “He that walketh with wise men shall be…
Posted by Jot Singh Khalsa& filed under Around the World, Community, Sikh Art Corner, Your Stories
Early in my career as a knife / kirpan, sword, and jewelry designer and maker, the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan wrote me a letter urging me to 'make things that uplift and inspire people'. Since then, my team and I have consciously dedicated consistent efforts toward conceiving, creating and offering affordable artwork that uplifts…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Sikh Dharma Technology
April 13, 1990 Baisakhi Lecture
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh
The concept of Baisakhi, which is the birthday of the Khalsa to celebrate purity, the piety and the projection is not only with us it is the basic essential element of the human life to accomplished. We have…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under 11-Siri Guru Granth Sahib, Bani, Our Authors, Shabad Guru, Sikh Dharma Technology
Adapted from Living Reality by Bhai Sahiba Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, Page 87.
Guru Ram Das says . . .
"Baanee guroo guroo hai baanee
Vich baanee amrit saaray.
Gur baanee kehai sayvak jan maanai
Partakh guroo nistaaray."
"Bani is the Guru and Guru is the Bani.
In the Bani are…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Ministry, Sikh Dharma Technology
The Amrit Ceremony re-creates this experience from 1699. It gives a chance for the Sikhs of any time, and in any country, to give themselves to the Light of the Guru in a complete and absolute way. Those who take Amrit commit to becoming protectors and custodians of the Universal Truths held within the Siri…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Ministry, Sikh Dharma Technology
(Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan addresses persons about to take Amrit)
It is a very fortunate day today. This occasion comes once in a lifetime. To give your ego and become egoless is a very rare opportunity. Even if you want to call it a ritual, it is a ritual of self-contained consciousness. It…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, 10-Guru Gobind Singh, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Publications
Beads of Truth, #36
by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji
We are the by-products of yoga. There's no untruth about it. We are not going to justify ourselves to anybody. This is the way it is. We have adopted this dharma because we raised our consciousness, not because it…
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