Category: Sikh Dharma Technology

The Science of Naad and Gurbani

Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the Guru and it contains the Guru. What is the Guru? It is the formula for experiencing one's own divinity. Naad means "the essence of all sounds." All languages contain sounds, which relate to one or more of the five elements of air, fire, water, earth, and ether.

Jaap Sahib

Siri Hari Singh recites his translation of Jaap Sahib in German Sat Hari Singh from Germany shares his experience of how his translation of Jaap Sahib into German came to be: This task was actually full of difficulties. The first difficulty was to gain a rudimentary understanding of Guru's Divine wisdom.
SHS reading Jaap Sahib in German

Guru Ram Das and the Throne of Raj Yog

Yogi Bhajan talked a lot about Guru Ram Das in his teachings on Kundalini Yoga. He would say that Guru Ram Das holds the Golden Chain, that Guru Ram Das is the Lord of Miracles. But most important, he talked about Guru Ram Das as having the throne of Raaj Yog bestowed upon him.