Meditation to Keep Up with the Times

In order to keep up with the times and truly “live for each other,” we must transcend our individual consciousness and expand into a collective and Infinite consciousness.

Ten is the number associated with the Radiant Body, Guru Gobind Singh (the tenth Sikh guru), Unity, Royal Dignity and Fearless Courage. This meditation includes Guru Gobind Singh’s bani (prayer).  It contains the 8 facets of God.  Har is the creative energy of God. The 4 repetitions of Har give power to all aspects and provide the power to break down barriers of the past.  This meditation invokes fearlessness and removes obstacles, so we may unite in radiance and truth.

The 8 facets of God:

Gobinday, the One who sustains us;

Mukunday,the One who liberates us;

Udharay, the One who uplifts us;

Aparay, the One who is Infinite;

Hariang, the One who does everything;

Kariang, the One for whom grace is done;

Nirnamay,the One who is nameless and desireless;

Akamay, the One who is all by itself.

Har is “Shakti Yog (power) Mantra.” Har is the creative energy of God. The four repetitions of Har give power to all aspects and provide the power to break down barriers of the past.

Har Har Har Har Gobinday

Har Har Har Har Mukhunday

Har Har Har Har Udharay

Har Har Har Har Aparay

Har Har Har Har Hariang

Har Har Har Har Kariang

Har Har Har Har Nirnamay

Har Har Har Har Akamay

Instructions for the Meditation

Press the thumb and ring finger together. Look at the tip of the nose. Chant rhythmically. You may chant with a CD if desired. Pull in the navel point with each repetition of Har.Chant for 11, 31, or 62 minutes.

Listen to a musical version of this mantra by Hansu Jot

Listen to a musical version of this mantra by Sada Sat Kaur

Listen to a musical version of this mantra on New Year’s Day, 1989

“This mantra is to fix the mental to prosperity or power. It will produce money, it will come. Opportunities will come. Richness will come…When you chant this mantra with the breath of life, it’s quick, it’s purposeful, and it brings in what you need to bring in…” ~Siri Singh Sahib Ji

After leading students in a meditation with the ‘Guru Gaitri Mantra with Four ‘Har’s, Siri Singh Sahib Ji closed with this prayer:

“Blessed are those who overpower their passion by compassion, their character by grace, their identity with virtues and values and serve those who are in need, as a call of duty. May these beings be blessed forever and their families and their life be blessed with prosperity and virtues. May we all understand there is one God; in His oneness He has given us one strength of breath of life. May we expand it to be pure, powerful and project to serve all human beings and life on this Earth, for the sake of goodness, so we may create an impact of good living, goodwill and good manners. Sat Nam.”

Reminder:  when practicing Kundalini Yoga, remember to “Tune in” with the Adi Mantra before you begin

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Other Kriyas that use this Mantra

Magnificent Mantra
“This mantra brings prosperity, happiness, and saves us from calamities. It is a sound current which brings a shield and brings good luck and removes discomfort and disease. It is the key to the doorway of self-elevation.” ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji

Attitude of Gratitude Meditation
“When all the vibrations of you and your environments have gone negative, that is the moment to use the mantra. When you chant this mantra with the breath of life, you tap into all the angels of the Universe. It’s quick, it’s fast, it’s purposeful. It brings in what you need.” ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji – 6/26/98


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