POSTURE: Sit straight in Easy Pose.
MUDRA: Raise both hands to shoulder level, palms facing forward, with the elbows relaxed down. Point the index fingers up and hold the other fingers with the thumbs.
EYES: The eyes are closed.
BREATH: Conscious, slow, Long Deep Breathing through the “O” of your mouth.
TIME: 11 minutes.
Continue with the same posture and deepen the breath even more, pulling the navel toward the spine with each exhale. Meditate on your mind. Achieve a state where your mind remains balanced despite what anybody says. If you count your values, you give your virtues a chance, and vice-versa.
TIME: 11 minutes.
TO END: Inhale deeply, hold and squeeze your spine, muscle by muscle. Exhale. Repeat 2 times, on the last breath squeezing every part of your body from head to toe. Relax.
For each of us on the path, there are two qualities that must be present if we are to achieve a life of prosperity—a life that is pro-spirit. The first quality is containment, which creates an opportunity to deliver oneself to the second quality—a state of contentment. This meditation can deliver both aspects: containment and contentment. It creates a direct connection to the radiant body and gives us control of the mind. Control of our mind gives us the opportunity to allow contentment as a choice, a state of being to be assimilated into our daily awareness as a dominant feature of our psyche.
This meditation can be found in the book, Success and the Spirit, an Aquarian Path to Abundance. With over 40 prosperity meditations and 15 lectures from the Siri Singh Sahib, Success and the Spirit is the most comprehensive guide created for prosperity and successful, joyous living. Click here to learn more and purchase this one of a kind manual for abundance.
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