Posted by Beads of Truth& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Este es un extracto de un artículo de la edición de 1973 de Beads of Truth, escrito por Ram Das Singh de San Diego, California.
Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en lo Divino,
Sat Nam! En el momento de cierre de este Sadhana de Solsticio de Verano más reciente, Yogiji pidió que todos nosotros escribiéramos “nuestro momento más…
Posted by Beads of Truth& filed under Community, Legacy Organizations, Ministry, Sikh History, Your Stories
As I stood in line with the ministers of Sikh Dharma, receiving the instructions of Yogiji, as to the nature of our duties, I was pleasantly amused when he told all of us to go touch the feet of the members of the Sangat. But, when I placed my hands upon the feet of the…
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