Posted by Prem Kaur Espinosa& filed under Around the World, Community, Legacy Organizations
Visiting World Sangat: Inspiration and Shared Values, November 2024
Southeast Asia was recently the setting for a confluence of Sangat dedicated to taking part in our dynamic and life-chaging practices. The events took place in Malaysia and were very well organized and presented by the Anand Foundation which graciously hosted the Sangat…
Posted by Shanti Kaur Khalsa& filed under Legacy Organizations, Our Authors, Siri Singh Sahib Ji, Your Stories
As shared in the October 2018 KRI Newsletter by Shanti Kaur...
Fourteen years ago in the afternoon of October 6th, Yogi Bhajan breathed his last breath. At home on his Ranch, surrounded by family and students, he made that final journey and crossed into the subtle realm of spirit. For as long…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under Legacy Organizations, Sikh History, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
On the 12th barsi, remembrance day (October 6, 2004)
By Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa
Every once in a great span of time, a noble soul comes to the planet to do a tremendous service for humanity. Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji lived such a life. He was born Harbhajan Singh…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Events, Legacy Organizations, Meditation, Music, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
On Sunday October 6, 2024, from 6:00 am MDT to 6:00 pm MDT, we will be gathering as a community to celebrate the 20th Barsi (death anniversary) of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan.
This will be a beautiful opportunity to come together to remember with gratitude all of the gifts given…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, International Articles, Legacy Organizations
Cinco siglos después del fallecimiento de Guru Nanak, sus palabras aún resuenan con sus seguidores. Revisemos 10 de sus enseñanzas que tienen sentido hasta el día de hoy.…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Legacy Organizations
Five centuries after the passing of Guru Nanak, his words still resonate with his followers. Let's take a look at 10 of his teachings that make sense to this day.…
Posted by Teachings of Yogi Bhajan& filed under Dharmic Education, Legacy Organizations, Shabad Guru
Shabad means sound, Guru means teacher or knowledge that transforms you. The simplest meaning of Shabad Guru is a special sound that is a teacher. The Shabad Guru employs the Naad, totally balanced universal sound, to remove the constrictions and distortions of the ego.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Community, Dharmic Education, International Articles, Legacy Organizations, Ministry
by SS Sukhdev Kaur Khalsa, Raasiku, Estonia (as shared in the Ministry 2024 First Quarter newsletter)
I’m sitting by the window at our MPA campus. The winter fog has draped the whole of Punjab, bringing a deep calm into the surroundings. Nevertheless, as we celebrate Guru Gobind Singh’s birthday, the air is…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under Legacy Organizations, Your Stories
This article was published by SikhNet and was written by Prem Kaur Espinosa
In 2015, Tom Gjelter of National Public Radio, during the All things Considered segment, asked the question: Why are there only three observant Sikhs serving in the United States Army?
Although the numbers of religiously observant Sikhs…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Legacy Organizations
Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, Chief Religious Minister of Sikh Dharma International was appointed to the International Sikh Advisory Board…
Posted by Miri Piri Academy& filed under Legacy Organizations
Admissions are open for the 2022-2023 school year at Miri Piri Academy, an international boarding school in Amritsar, India for grades 9-12. …
Posted by Miri Piri Academy& filed under Legacy Organizations
"Do you want to work at an international boarding school which teaches Kundalini Yoga, meditation and is fully vegetarian? Are you passionate about helping young people live up to their full potential?
Miri Piri Academy is looking for talented, adventurous and dedicated individuals for our residential life and academic staff teams in Amritsar, India.…
Posted by Dharmic Office of Public Affairs& filed under Community, Community Highlight, Legacy Organizations
Sat Bachan Kaur Anthony, Chairwoman of the East West Tea Company board, spoke at the International Religious Freedom summit and is joining Ingrid Vanderveldt as the co-chair of a new global Religious Freedom and Business Women Roundtable. …
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