The Administrator’s Alphabet

Beads of Truth, Spring 1991 #1

In 1991, the Sirl Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan dictated the following Administrator’s Alphabet to his staff.

People are the most valuable asset to any busi­ness or institution, but it is always a question of how to bring out their best qualities, both for themselves and the company.  The Administrator’s Alphabet helps to give guidance on how to do that.

A   Administrator I am.

B   I will Bounce off everybody and everybody will Bounce off me.

C   I will catch but no one will catch me.

D  Diplomacy works for Development.

E  Efficiency, not what you deserve or desire. Not proof or profit. What you Effectively negotiate.

F  is for Future. Harmoniously planning effective discipline.  Rational communication will guarantee a prosperous Future.

G  God, Good and Goods. Administrate with Godly qualities, with Good behavior and by creating Goods for others.

H  Height. I am the scale between high and low. I am the administrator.

I   I am at your service. I am at your call. I am the administrator to an­swer the call of duty.

J   Every Jerk has to be dealt with as a Joke. Humor is the way of communication.

K  Kindness effectively controls everything.

L  Longevity of the administration depends on my efficiency and effective negotiation with my subordinates and effective deliverance to my superiors.

M  Manners. Manners guarantee the smoothness of working and make the day.

N  Nature. The nature of things has to be dealt with and has to be felt. Nurture everybody to adhere to your administrative quality.

O  Opportunity. Good Organization brings good Opportunities.

P  Personality. Play pure Personality with power to solve problems.

Q  Quickly understand but never quickly judge.

R  Rational involvement of others for opinions, problem-solving, and decisions is not a weakness but a strength.

S  Sincere, Serious, Service is the way to be Serene, Strong, and Sensible.

T  Trust in God and Trust everybody for nothing. Involve, be inductive, and decide deductively.

U  Universal, University, and You exist in one spot.

V  Virtue. Adopt other’s Virtues but value your own grace. That will win the race.

W  Wisdom is the ultimate success. Be wise to rise in life. Wisdom brings profit; without it you lose a lot. Wisdom is virtuous

X   X is the negative with a positive attitude and with a better substitute. Plan well and swell.

Y  Youth. Talk, look, and be youthful. Youth is an art and a science. It is an essential ingredient of the administrator. Dress well and be well.

Z  Zeal will appeal and heal the wound. Cause may be any; effect should be harmony.

To learn more about the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan’s, teachings on success, see: Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path To Abundance.


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